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Everything posted by Josephine

  1. Josephine

    Mov Video

    Hi wana make a short likkle vid using my digital camera that captures in .mov and i could do with a method of joining clips together, anybody know of any programs that do this? I'm having a good old trawl around with google but finding what I want is proving tricky, I'm not fussed if I can only get a free trial I only want to make this one little vid. Cheers, Joe
  2. Joe's advice is go to google and type tyketrial. (Y) Joe
  3. Josephine


    Why don't they just call it Emo-Kids-Online and save a lot of confusion? Joe (Y)
  4. 9'7" static gap between pallets, if anyone can beat that, I'll eat a shoelace. That's not with a trials-forum tape measure by the way, would be critics :lol: Joe
  5. http://www.cafepress.com/brum Have a looky. Joe
  6. That's not an issue really, trials bikes look geeky, they may as well work well and not dent so easily, sounds like a good plan to me. Joe
  7. Main Part 1 Part 2 D|--------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------A|--------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------F|--------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------C|--0-7-8---0-5-7---0-3-5---0-2-3-|-0-2-3-2-|-2h3p2h3p2h3p2h3------------------------------------------------------G|--------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------C|--------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. If I recall correctly that german dirt jumping fella had a role in an australian soap, bikes ont' telly! Joe
  9. Josephine

    Body 'art'

    Takes all sorts, I'll freely admit it had me going for a bit. Plus, they're kinda right, the chances of you rejecting a body part from an identical twin are remote, being as we're genetically identical to our twin. Joe
  10. It's not like their BMXs are anything new. Ugly yes, but they have a BMX race team if I remember correctly. Joe
  11. Anything or anyone that possesses something takes an apostrophe and an s e.g. Bob's bike Unless the word ends in s (which means most plurals in english) then it just takes an apostrophe, no extra s required. e.g. Chris' bike, My friends' bikes Joe [language geek] :sleeping:
  12. The Holy Shit is a round profile BMX tyre, so I really don't think so :S Joe
  13. Josephine

    How Rare?!

    Agreed, just look at the 4 for crying out loud! How stuck on?! Joe
  14. Josephine


    I'm probably never going to be the most technically refined 'trials' rider, my balance isn't great and I don't happen to find comps all that entertaining (that's not a dig, guys who ride comps and clean sections are damn good riders). Basically when I ride I don't spend ages obsessing over one move, I go fast and bunnyhop at stuff and generally have a fantastic time with my kinda people. Two kinds of street? Rubbish, if you're riding on a street, it's street, there are no rules, you just use the obstacles how you want. Joe
  15. Josephine


    There's no way you'll regret it! (Y) Could get a decent-ish one for about £350 or do what I did and get one second hand, only paid £180 for it. They're a heck of a olt of fun, will add a whole new dimension to your riding. Joe
  16. Josephine

    My bicycle

    From the album: Joe's Pics

  17. Josephine


    Oi JT! take a look at this and shut up. Joe :o EDIT: That's the aforementioned vid by Steve by the way.
  18. "What is that on your head, woman?"
  19. Josephine


    Shag her, then pull out half way through call her a slag and leave, that'll f**k her up (Y) Joe
  20. 14, had 16, but had two removed for my brace. Joe
  21. Step 1 in thinking like a thug: Get violent revenge. Almost all fights can be avoided, the police method is best, stick up for yourself if it happens again, but damaging someone's property or some of the other crackpot suggestions (I appreciate most are jokes) aren't quite manly and hard, just weak and childish. Joe
  22. Opeth - Moonlapse Vertigo Basically, the whole of Still Life is good :lol: Joe
  23. It was kind of a rhetorical question to demonstrate my point, but yes, have a gold star :sick: Joe
  24. This is english, it makes no sense, how is 'gone' pronounced? Joe :)
  25. Goin' by what Tomm said... Caesar's Palace - Jerk it Out Was on NBR erm 8 I think... Joe
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