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    Tyne & Wear
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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. You can get a 2009 onza pro for 389 on ebay now. i think ill be tempted myself around christmas!
  2. No problem! the photo makes it look more epic than it is, however its still a pretty lethal jump to bail at that speed
  3. Heres the video guys http://www.vitalbmx.com/videos/features/Do...am,33/Losey,112 the last 20 seconds you will see the jump that the awesome photo came from
  4. She doesnt sound to keen to me fella, i think you should start playing it cool. let her make a plan then tell her you are ironing your dads underpants and you cant make it
  5. Haha yeah i think ill start fighting the corner for the late starters! got a couple of jobs on this week that should earn me a couple of hundred quid.. i reckon i might make my first venture into this in about 3 weeks cheers mate
  6. Appreciate the reply mate, I think second hand might actually be a good option. I understand that trials bikes are gonna be full of skuffs and scratches anyway, but id be worried incase i bought something that might be duff! I think if i get myself started then ill definately ask about on these forums to see if anyone is local, who could maybe show me how its done. I really need a decent hobby right now. Ive spent a bit too much time on forums and whatnot, i need to get my ass out the house and start having a bit of fun. Im gradually saving up my pennies in the bank, so fingers crossed i can get a ride before the year is out!
  7. Hi there guys, this is my first post so be nice!. Im 24, between the age of 13-16 i used to ride about on a BMX, but i was crap other than being able to bunnyhop and jump off ramps etc, however ive been spending loads of time lately obsessing over mountain bikes, and more recently trial bikes. The idea of having a trial bike to chuck around and attempt the leaps i see you lot doing is seriously tempting. In my head i have more bottle than i used to, so i think id be willing to start at the bottom and work my way up. The only problem is I will probably be on my own, as none of my mates are really interested in this kind of stuff. Im 6ft 3 (dunno if that matters), and im keen to have a shot. Was thinking about buying one of the onza pro bikes or similar when the 09 ones come out. Any tips for noobs or general comments would be really appreciated. Thanks guys!
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