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Duncy H

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Everything posted by Duncy H

  1. Will the refills be suitable for phat pad backings?
  2. Usually I hate teasers but that was amazing, great work there and I so can't wait to see the full video.
  3. That was amazing, the best video i've seen in ages, keep up the good work.
  4. No its a race, oh bugger I put the wrong thing in my topic sorry.
  5. I agree, mine has served me well especially for the price, with the correct maintenance it should'nt need any more attention and served me well.
  6. What are the forks on the master?
  7. I have a echo TR brake but my forks are past it as for running as 4 bolt forks and my wheel has a weird sort of double buckle which makes the lever feel really weird
  8. Thanks for the help, once i'm ready I think I will go for the trialtech cranks and matching taper bb seen as they seem the best option on my budget. Got another question With my hope disc it doesn't seem to hold/power so well for example when I do gaps to front. I've tryed a few things such as heating it up and pooring water on it but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Any ideas?
  9. With the refills will they be standard size? I think I heard they are a different size? If they are I would invest in some.
  10. That is sweet. you're a lucky guy!!!
  11. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....anny+mackaskill
  12. Thanks for the help, as for the echo team I think it is something like 1005 wb and +35 bb rise although anyone else have any idea? Please could someone tell me what the difference in characteristics would be like with the zoo lynx? What effect does chainstay length have on the bike? Wheelbase: 1000mm (Short), 1020mm (Long) Chainstay Length: 362mm BB Rise: 55mm Head Angle: 72 degrees
  13. I don't think I'm gunna attend as the new pot I got on the other day is just too limiting to my movement and the bike is playing up a bit.
  14. 1. I'm looking at buying some cranks for my mod, anyone got any strong reccomendations for a lower bugdet. At the moment i'm considering the trialtech 160 taper cranks and matching bb. Although is it really worth the extra ang going ISIS, if so again what can you reccomend? 2. On my hope mono brake I have a weee problem, I think that the pin to hold the pads in has worn a sort of larger hole in the caliper meanig that with the brake locked on it feels like something is loose over the front end(similar to the feeling of a loose headset) Anybody got any ideas on a fix for this? 3. I know they have only just been released but anybody had any experience with the zoo! lynx mod frames? 4.If I were to eventually get one I have no real idea on the effects of geo. What are the effects of different chainstay, bb rise, length ect on the characteristics of a bike, and so what would the zoo lynx be like? 5. Anybody know the geo of an echo team 07 mod short frame?
  15. That was a lovely video, some of the lines were stupidly good, like the gap to rail at the end which appeared in slow-mo.
  16. What lenght bolts have you got? If they are short get some longer ones!!
  17. I'd say go for the croco's, yellows are meant to give better performance but not so good ware rate although from what I've seen on mine they are pretty dam good where as browns last forever but don't have such good bite and are best suited for medium grinds. I'll say croco yellows.
  18. Hi mate, Me and mr bob on here are from sheffield, not been riding much ourselves. Where abouts are you from?
  19. Prime example lol. Anyway from what I have used, I'd say phat pads just didn't supply the hold for me but the bite was really good, rock pad blues are similar but maybe a bit more hold. My current pad is croco yellows in phat pad backings which I am very impressed with, really good bite and good hold and very loud even with a booster. Oh and I too didn't vote.
  20. Duncy H

    Just Found

    Hahaha gutted
  21. Is it me or on a few pics is your back wheel not round?
  22. You desreve a lot of credit for your video, I'll say it again it was fantastic.
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