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Everything posted by Dan@Trials-uk

  1. Hey I was browsing about, and came alone these new woodman cranks, they look quite nice to me, but what do you guys think? SPECIFICATIONS Material: Forged 6061 T6 and CNC machined. Length: 160, 165, 170, 175mm. Standards: JIS square and ISIS. Includes: Chain guard. Color: Hi-polished silver crank. Black chain guard. :ermm: (Y) Regards Dan
  2. MINT!, Phat side hop over bar, by OtPi! and that was like 11 years ago! gosh! :ermm: Nice monty bikes,*old skool* :lol:
  3. Hey Nicholas Il see you there on sat then, around 11ish :blink:
  4. Dan@Trials-uk

    New Vid!

    Hi everyone Here's a vid that my mate made(Ash Mathews) its just a chilled day ride around my crap little town called Cheltenham. riders Ash =echo team Ryan= Koxx Me(Dan ko)= poothon Sadam= black mumba. Well I hope you enjoy it, Ash put alot of effort into this vid lol. (Y) Click here for *Cheltenham ride vid* Thanks for the time. :blink:
  5. 22 In inter :"> I think I should to red route next time :turned: ,but the sections are suacidale :P . Generally great day out(Y) shame about the start, was stupidly FREEZING! was snowing at one stage lol. :P Good riding everyone.
  6. Il be attending(Y) Erm.. :"> What time do we have to be there at?
  7. hey I owned both before :"> but I must say the team is like 1000% more fun, theres no mech or anything to to worry about, also the team is very nice to throw about lol, but the control is allrigh ( not my cup of tea) aabit to long, but its nice on the back wheel, erm... but its not very nice to do tech moves on it etc... like *gap to front to back* on a poste etc.. but this is my opinion, other might think im wrong but meh. hope this helps. erm... if you want to see this echo team is action download my lastest vid(Y) click here Mod & stock. Best regards Dan
  8. Hey My friend had a HOPE bulb and it lasted him 2 months, and he now has a front freewheel system, with ACS freewheel (welded version) and its out lasted the hope, so acs cant be that bad, and also all echo/zoo team riders use then, and see what stuff they can pull off with an ACS. regards Dan P.s NOTHING WRONG WITH ACS'S :P
  9. Hey Its people opinions dont you think? some people might like lots of pics? or some likes just the one, but most people has broadband nowadays so it dosnt really matter, it cant be that harmfull on waiting about 1-2 minutes more... regards Dan
  10. Hey Here are some pics of my poothon, it has a front silver wheel, and a rear green on lol. :(" Hope this help your desision(Y) :P
  11. Silver loooks nice, or green(Y), Il get a pic of mine abit l8ter(Y) :(
  12. That's right :P Oh the new rims also has a channel on the rim surfacelike tart said, its for the water to channel throught the rim, leaving you a super good break in the wet(Y) and its acts like a wear indicator aswell, so once the rim has reached the line, it means its time to change rim(Y) :P Best regards Dan@vizbikes
  13. Hey I difference between the sand bash and the anodised rims, are the effect in the color, the anodised version are shiny and looks sweet in the night time, and the sand bash version are like matt colors, which give a very sharp color in the day time, but not as good as the anodisedi version in the night time. Best regards Dan@trials-uk :ermm:
  14. Hey I will be there, The time Il be in probably about 11ish. see you all there(Y) P.s This time I wont fall in to water agian lol :"> (Y)
  15. Hey All I can say to people who's wondering what these forks are like for strength, is to wait until they have been on the street for abit(Y), I mean I have been using my pair for about 6 months now, and they was the prototype ones aswell!, these forks has been in :python 04, team 05, python 05, and its still going strong now (Y) Best regards Dan@vizbikes. P.s stop with the massive argument, there is no need.
  16. Hey I have been in contact with Tom on the forum about advertising and have offered to pay for it, but he said that there is no space left for any advertising, and told me to try somewhere else. I mean its only fiar if i paid for the advertising, but there isnt space on the forum for banners etc..
  17. Sorry bout my smoothness :"> Ye lets see how the forks last on chai :D
  18. hey I have just replied to the question that Tart wanted to know. dan@vizbikes
  19. Im using Viz Black mod forks :D
  20. Hey They viz are being runned by quite alot of people in the uk, and so far i have heard nothing wrong about them, and they are being used all over the world *Visit www.vizbikes.com* to see where the dealers are located. I have only ever used one pair of viz forks on my mod, and they are the prototype ones and so far they are still going solid. They have been about for about 4-5 month so they are very new still. Well I think the forks will get more popular in the future when more people have them and then the riders will know what are are like. Dan@vizbikes. (Y)
  21. Hey The Viz forks has been tested for ages before they are bought out buy the viz factory riders (which you will see them when the frames/bikes are out) and it was all ok, and afther like 3 months constant testing they have bought the forks out, but the riders in europe did not like the height of them, the company then had to change the height of forks to suit riders here, bearing in mind that the company hasnt been out for long, so they dont really know what standards in europe are looking for. If you think about it echo,koxx etc.... has been out like 5 years so they have been with the trials scene through out all those years knowing what to make for riders and etc.. and Viz is working very hard atm to find out what the next generation of trials will be etc... and also they dont have the money to make everything because they have just started. best regards Dan@vizbikes.
  22. Hey Rowan are quite heavy on his forks, his front touches are mad, and he's learning hooks so it be quite interesting to see what the feedback will be, also Rowan is just stupidly smooth lol, he even run magura black pads on smooth rims :) and doing 50" to back wheel easy. lol best regards Dan@:vizbikes :P
  23. Hey The curve viz forks are lower in the next batch, its only the first batch that are high because viz didnt measure it right?, but the viz urban forks are alot lower and it is currently being tested by Rowan Johns. Best regards Dan@vizbikes (N)
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