The first is rushed out onto the market, so there are miststakes still to be corrected, along with the 06 pitbull (Which is allready old here in china ;) )
The echo pads are red like heatsinks I think, but compound are like zoo's, the gu pads are Pink, and same compound again, same with zoo.
Gu will have 20" bike soon :) and echo rims, there will be newer version out.
For the czar frames, some people thought that koxx might of made this to suit the street market with the thick downtube etc... browse OTN for peoples thoughts, thats why I posted " If someone thinks this is koxx's new frame"
Czar isnt out yet, but will be soon, they only had all the decals and badges here (Y)
:D Pics I will get when I have time.