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Everything posted by Dan@Trials-uk

  1. :P Ive had my rim for along time now, looooooads of grinds and its still fine? the line on the rim surface dont actually affected it. The try-all seems to dent easier :P with no grind aswell(N)
  2. The one and only :) V!Z Disk hubs: Spins in your hands (Y) Thats how smooth the bearings are. Takes proper abuse, comes in 8 colours, mint looking design, super light compare to other disk hubs, price is good too, what more can you ask for? (Y)
  3. Why not? Yeh, Il be at station around 11, Hopefully the Bath lot will come out too :'( :P Cya then :D
  4. Dan@Trials-uk

    Viz Bb

    Very strong, used mine for about 2-3months now. 2 heavy duty japanese bearings on ether side of the cups, so 4 bearings in total, normal BB's has 1 on either side. And comes in a very nice anadised red finish. with etched on viz logo. :-
  5. Word John :lol: Will be there yal(Y) Around 11. Il be on my little bicycle this time(Y), Havnt ridden it in years, So it be fun :blink: Cya on Sunday. Ben. If you read this, you best be down(Y) along with the badass Chai Chai :-
  6. Hopefully Il be there(Y), Been away for the last week, so It be nice ride to get into biking again (Y) (Y)
  7. I see, Giant is making some nice 20" and 26" frames now :lol: (Y)
  8. Yeh, I was gonna use: Jin - Peel off, a song of 2 fast 2 furious, but I thought it would of been to fast, so I ended up using this :lol: . Cheers for the comments so far(Y) Much appriciated. (Y)
  9. Only own 2 bikes B) 1 stock bike, 1 mod bike. Places are: Birmingham, Cheltenham, Bath spa, Bristol (Y) :lol: Come down some time B)
  10. Not sure, there was only 3 bikes, the stock bike are the same, but different color. The python Ive had about 6-7months? Still going strong (Y) :S
  11. Hello Just finished Trials-uk-Video-4 Here's that link: http://tv.isg.si/site/ftpaccess/Trialsuk/T...uk-video-04.wmv Right Click- Save as target(Y) If Link dosnt work, Please go to my video folder(Y) http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/Trialsuk Name of Video: Trials-uk-video-04 Hope you enjoy. Regards Dan (Y) (Y)
  12. www.Zhibike.com - Comming soon. The Zhi bike team is already confirmed. (Y)
  13. Awsome, Cheers Guys :D I will there this Saturday if anyone of you wanna come along too (Y) :P (N)
  14. Hello As Topic say's. If anyone got any vids, pics, of Nottingham, please post away. Just wanting to know if it's worth the trek up there (Y) (N) :D
  15. Nice video Cap(Y), Faster link here :Trials-uk Video 3 -Right click, Save target As :- Keep up the good work Cappy :P
  16. I should be atending(Y), Will arive around 11ish :P
  17. V!Z rims comes in 36H and also in Green :P
  18. Il be there at 10.56 :P :P Cya tomorow. (Y)
  19. If that was refering to me, its Ko, not co :P Yeh Wayne, I should be able to get to bristol. Train around 12,45ish, so Il get in for 1,30 - 2.00 :P :) Cya Wends :P :)
  20. :bunny: Is it me, Or is this frame looking like it can run a mech on both side? :(
  21. Yeh, there is indeed. Il put the link up of the vid.
  22. Be instock in couple of weeks, at a very resonable price :sick: along with boosters, and bashring's ;) . And yes, Lee shi ming is the owner of Aorta bikes.
  23. More pics: Yeh, The color coordination looks nice. <_<
  24. Computer ID: 0WXTL15 Serial: J6-GDM4L1-3TDB7C-VYXG79 J6-7V1WM5-CRBT8B-GZV8KH J6-7V1WM5-CRBT8B-GZV8KH J6-43M0WQ-JM3S0P-2G7MSN J6-FXSM6V-D9H06R-4VPKDP J6-54S3G6-T6732P-DRGBQ8 J6-G0HKMT-F276GC-1JSDYD J6-4H7Q87-ZXH4Z2-X3784D J6-C74ZSL-GCR8Q9-4SHMNM J6-54P1NS-KMECC8-XXNF8S :- Hope this help. This might be the 5.0 version, But Im not to sure, but its worth a try(Y) (Y)
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