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Everything posted by Dan@Trials-uk

  1. Dan@Trials-uk


    From the album: echo pics

    Dan ko - Czar
  2. The new 20" is the Echo LITE. Features cnc 4 bolt mounts, and XTP style bash plate fitting. and the new Pure has CNC 4 bolt mounts and drop outs, and chainstay yoke, compared to the older models. There is also new Echo ISIS BB's available. For more pics, please PM me
  3. Nice vid Tim Who's those fatty eating chicken Oh yeh, that UNI guy is minted
  4. Tempting, I might come along this one. Be the first proper ride Ive had in this holiday
  5. You can get free games from www.projectpsp.com Most of the latest game is on there. Note- King kong dosnt work yet atm. Go to the link above, then on the home page, click *ISO* on the top navigation bar, and all the games are in there You have yo sign up to download the games.
  6. Download - PSPVideo9 www.projectpsp.com - Free ISO, Free Movie, Free UMD Rips. Run them all from your memory stick.
  7. He has most likely typed it all up in cantonese, then used a language translator to translate to English.
  8. Miinted:D, I used to have one of those, came with the Volvo cover. You can get alot of upgrade for that model, like an exaust that comes out from the back, and alot of other upgrades. cant remember now, had a super ten after that, and now a beasty savage 25 Oh, yeh, if you need any parts for your model, go to www.hobbystores.co.uk as they should still be able to get the parts for your car.
  9. I can only get there for 12.01 the earliest
  10. Just out of curiosity, how many people are going to this ride? Because this is one big thread
  11. Yeh, Might come you Jazz lover Isnt there a ride on sunday aswell?
  12. Good old memory, I remember riding with him daily (Neil Dunn) like 3 years ago when I lived in Sotton.He was soo good back then aswell:( I think he has quit now along with Rick Clark (Cool video editer)
  13. PS3 (N) :- All the way :) :S
  14. Il come (Y) :P 11ish, at new street. Paul, Best turn up (Y) Loose some of those calories :)
  15. (Y) Might be those Calories :D :lol:
  16. Il be there with Adrien from Bath around 11 (Y)
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