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Everything posted by Dan@Trials-uk

  1. Hello Everyone, Its been a rather long time since I last been on here, I actually heard about this Topic on here through Kyle.L when he mentioned it to me tonight during a ride. Firstly I must say that I find most of the statements made in this thread terribly amusing yet ridiculous. I bought the warehouse as an investment and was rented out early January 2010 to a company based in Bristol who was looking to expand through the midlands and needed storage space, they was in "florist" industry. I literally found out about this operation on the very same day the police raided the unit, as a friend from another unit called me and told me. I was completely shocked and gobsmacked that a operation like this was happening in one our premises! Just for the record to people who actually think I was involved in such disgusting activity you are absolutely wrong. The whole trials market is very small and on top of that its niche, and there is not a lot of money in it at all. The margins are terrible yet some are more generous (Brands from China), however you will need to sell volume in order to make anything that's reasonable, and for the investment vs return its not the best business to go into. If the trials market was profitable then most major bike manufacturer would of been involved along time ago. I started the business in trials when I was ages 16/7 as a hobby as at the time there was a real big problem in obtaining trials specific products, and I took this opportunity to help the whole community out through sourcing the products for people which eventually turned into a business. Dave, I read all your replies in this thread and its all beef against myself. I have no issue for you to dislike me for your personal reason that's fine, but for the record I do not mind you and in-fact you was one of the very first trials riders I used to ride with back in 2003/4 ? when trials all began, I'm sure you remember we used to ride together many years ago! But back to your reply: I don't understand you have the assumption that I drive like an ass and "show off"? for a start I do not show off, in fact i do not go advertising around what car I drive and what not, it was leaked onto this forum through another user, and not myself, I do not enjoy or like bragging or showing off. The insurance is not as your assuming. From your last statement I get the point that you are very envious of young drivers who are fortunate enough to have a fancy car? I have many friends who's driving GTR'S, Panameora's, SLS, SLR, Gallado's.. I don't think you have the right to hate/judge someone purely by what they're driving, and if you do its down to one thing: Envious About Trials-UK The company is still running and currently in the process on selling up all products in-stock. There will be a massive closing down sale on very soon. On all orders we will notify all customers that there will be a maximum 2-3 working days delivery lead time. So if anyone want to get a bargain and don't mind waiting please visit.
  2. Hi All, Trials-UK is going under new management terms and its taken longer then our planned schedule. I apologize for the delays caused from this new procedure, however all orders which we can have instock have all been fulfilled and any orders which we can not supply will be refunded in full. If anyone has any questions/ quarries about any orders please E-mail us at: Info@Trials-UK.co.uk and deal with us direct, we hope to resolve any opened cases and rectify them immediately. Thank you, Trials-UK
  3. Apologies to everyone who have experienced issues, I will resolve any problems to my best capability. Please contact me directly and I will ensure your problem is rectified:) Thank you for your time and understanding. Dan
  4. If any customers have experienced problems or needing a issue to be resolved, please contact me as soon as possible and I will be more then happy to resolve it all for you. Thanks Dan I do my best to call back everyone and reply to all e-mails as soon as I can,
  5. You have not mentioned to me to my knowledge, and definitely not mentioned this to me the last few times we've met, but please contact me tomorrow and we will get this resolved:)
  6. Hi NIck, This is the first time I've heard this from you, contact me to let me know what this is regarding. Thanks, Dan
  7. Yes, that is correct, But if you have a issue and don't even bother contacting me to let me know, How am I suppose to resolve the case in the first place for you?
  8. Hi Craig, I am not here to give poor service, this is not in my interest, If a wrong item is sent I will resolve this for you right away. I understand end of the day its the customers choice on where they would like to do their purchase. As you may know, It has been only me running the whole business and as it expands it gets more involving. As you are aware we have recently moved into a new premises which I have put alot of time in-to, all this is to sort out all the previous bad experiences. Thanks
  9. I would appreciate customers to contact me directly to resolve there problems rather then telling people there issues. I have a couple trainee staff's which is new and still getting used to the whole product range, Apologies if you have experienced wrong items, If you do, just call me up and I will get this corrected straight away for you.
  10. Hi Nick, I would appreciated if you contacted me with regards about your out-standing balance which till this day is over due. Dan You have customer rights, if you feel the product is faulty, why not contact me directly to resolve this problem, rather then telling other people your issues? Please E-mail me explaining the problems you have with the product along with photo's and I will get this resolved for you. Thanks,
  11. Hi Matt, Please contact me directly regarding about the problems you are having and I will be more then happy to resolve it for you. The order have went ahead and packed and dispatched, Apologies if you wanted this wheel built, but I did not get any confirmation with regards this. Hi Sponge, I remember clearly about this case, and the refund HAS been completed, please check your statements. Thanks, Cranks was returned and was warrantied, however a refund was wanted instead, so instead of replacements, a refund has been given. From new year our complete new system will be in-place and our land line will be in-use, QUOTE (hugh_b @ Nov 26 2008, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Tarty is simply the only answer to all your problems, i have used them for all my stuff for the last few years and the service and after sales/advice has been nothing but top notch and very helpful. My first bike from meta was sent through trials-uk to speed it all up so i didn't have to wait to get it from Canada as i was bike less. Bike turned up in a battered old box with the rear sprocket removed! Was told by trials-uk it was deffo on there I don't think screw on sprockets just fall off now do they, especially as the bikes are factory built. Trials-uk couldn't sort this out for me, tarty stepped in and helped me out, should have just waited for it to come through tarty anyway.......Hope all you guy's get you problems with trials-uk sorted. Hi Hugh, The complete Meta I sent to you was on behalf of Meta as you needed the bike sooner and I agreed to send one out to you from my stock to save you waiting for delivery from Canada instead. All factory built and bike was dispatched in the same parcel as they arrive in. Thanks Joe, I not heard once from you with regards about this damaged Neon frame, Please contact me about this issue and I will try to get warranty for you if your frame has a defect. Thanks
  12. Dan@Trials-uk


    Nick I said that, because I dont know where you came up with a statement which you have not justified. Nick we will resolve this tomorrow.
  13. Dan@Trials-uk


    Nick, I showed you invoice and you said it was ok and confirmed. You never mentioned anything about you being unhappy with particular prices. This is with us, I will call you tomorrow and sort this out. I will listen to what everyone have to say and I will correct it on our side from there experience. With orders coming in "Before" the cut-off time I will get out the same day, but with orders coming in slightly over the time, I will still do my best, but its not guaranteed this is why we have a cut-off time to let customers know the latest ordering time, but most the time any orders being 30mins later I usually get them out:) As a team rider, you have previously worn/ used other companies merchandise which to me is not acceptable. however I still helped you out through the years with discounts. If you still remember you still have a order from 1-2 years ago which is still being payed off via Direct Debit with a third party company, usually with companys they demand a full payment before letting the parts go, unless they have in-house finance facility. However I offered you this as a favor.
  14. Dan@Trials-uk


    Do you come to this statement because I cant offer you a full 60% discount on parts? or did you just make this up? With most brands our margins are very tight, and with us being very competitive with prices, we do out absolute best to keep the prices as low as possible for our customer, as well as not making a lost! With warranty frames, we do not have to send back the physical item back to its manufacture unless its based in the UK EG If a Onza item has a defect we will have to send it back to its UK importer which is Moore Large. But with most suppliers being over sea's we claim Warranty with photographic evidence and via E-mail most the time. Thanks.
  15. Dan@Trials-uk


    Nick, I am not to sure why you have suddenly changed to be so bitter, I have offered you abit of discounts as a favor as you have a new sponsor and no longer ride for me, I am intitle to know offer any discount to you from this, but I try to help you as much as I can. When you came down I gave you prices in estimate and clearly stated I will double check and confirm when I create the invoice, If you was not happy with the prices, why did you not mention to me as we could solved this on the dot. ------------- We have a very good customer database and I try to keep everyone happy to my best result, as Christmas is coming we our flooded with orders and as most of you know, I am the only one running the whole business till next year. I will admit that I sometime am unable to post out orders the same working day, however the order will be shipped first thing next following day. As this sport is getting more publicity and rapidly expanding more and more new riders are coming abroad which means it alot busy these days compared to 3-4 years ago, This is why we have invested in new premises and a showroom facility to speed up the whole system, but changes like these take times. I understand in the customer point of view that you feel aggravated with our service but I am ensure you that this will not be repeated as we are almost 100% settled into our new premises:) New year we will have member of staff in the showroom, and warehouse department and this mean that we will run more efficient then ever before! We will be getting new brands and our stock levels will also be higher then ever before now we have the space! Please let me know if there is any other problems and I will be more then happy to take the time and listen and learn from your experience. Thank you, Dan@Trials-UK hi Jarod, I have e-mailed Reece explaining this also. Dan Regarding about Simp's frame, It was deliberately abused with tools, and have been drilled, and with any manufacture or distributor you will never get a replacement with this treatment. It was described to us on the phone as you just described above, but this was a complete opposite. However out of generosity we replaced the frame for him. Thanks, Dan
  16. Dan@Trials-uk


    Hi Reece, I am not to sure if you remember or not, but the last time when we last spoke I mentioned to you that I will contact you as soon as your replacement frame arrives, it was due last week, but there has been a delay within the logistics, as we are still currently waiting for it to arrive with us. Your frame is here with us, and all parts are taken out and ready to go into your new frame, as this is what you requested. Please give me a call if you need to know more information.
  17. Hey Guys, Sorry about the telephone situation, We had had problem with out phone all week and it has now been replaced with a new hand set so calls will be answered straight away as usual. Any problems and questions please give us a call and we be more then happy to help you out! Thanks, Best regards Dan@Trials-UK We will be having a large updates this coming week, we have suffered from administration system updates, so we are unable to update our site with new products, However the back-end update should be completed today and I will work my hardest to keep the site most up-to-date as per usual. Thanks, Dan@Trials-UK Alex, Please try again, Our phone had a problem which is now resolved:) Thanks, Dan@Trials-UK
  18. I think there has been a mis-understanding, I informed you that the Plaz pads was not suitable to be sent out due to the glue on them, and I you insisted for us to send them anyway, but we can not send out any faulty goods, this is the delay from the dispatch date, I then told you we can not send them and I suggested the heatsink pads which you agreed to for us to send them, and to re-confirm the packet was going to a certain address. I apologize the misunderstanding.
  19. After speaking to you letting you know that the Plazmatics was not in "Fit" condition we can not send them out, I informed you about the new Heatsink pads which we had instock which is similar and you agreed you wanted those instead, so we dispatched those for you.
  20. Ofcourse(Y) Everything is all good:)
  21. Hi Everyone, I am sorry to hear about the delays, and I deeply sincerely apologize for it all, I have been ridiculously recently in site managing for our new warehouse, as some of you guys can see of our warehouse its a basic empty shell and nothing is in it. I have thought about getting builders in to get all the work done, but the cost works out triple the amount compared to doing myself. If you guys can appreciate building work/ carpentry it does take a lot of time, we have to build all partition walls up and install all electrics and all plumbing services ourselves, and also being an up stairs we had to custom build stair case for the upstairs. There is simply to much work to explain so I will give you all some preview photo's of the progress. As you can all see there is still a little bit of work left, such as: Ceiling skirting, floor skirting, painting, wood edging, upstairs flooring, whole ground floor needs to have the floor all re-painted, and of course all the little finishing items, CCTV, shelving, work tops etc.. for anyone that's in the carpentry industry you know it takes a lot of grafting to see some out come. Here's some images of the warehouse when it was just bought: I appreciate customers anger in the delays of their orders however I am trying my hardest to fulfill everyone's expectations. As you can see from the images all stock are all boxes to keep them clean from the building work, so it takes twice as long to pack as order compared to usual. As some of you already mention its a 1 man show right now, Of course I would like to employ another member of staff but right now I am not in the situation, not until everything is complete as the environment is not "Safe" to work in. I have been ill for the last week due to food poisoning and people that had it before know how much of a pain it is, I tried all sort of medicine to try to get myself up and going and there is nothing that solves it(N) About the service, I have been running the business for over 2-3 years now and within that time we have built up a large customer base and adding back up all the orders within these years it has to be some ridiculously high number and that is all from 1 man working on his own. Not to mention the other work to go with us, the website side, product photo's stock check and all the administration work, as some of you guys will notice when our new site was launched updates are constant but due to the lack of time in this period, I have not been able to add all the new products have in stock. If my intention was to offer crap service and not care about customers, I would not be in this trade right now, I am trying my hardest to build a full functioning warehouse which can operate with in system which will make every aspect alot more efficient so orders will be received on time, and stock levels will be higher and in general alot more reliable. But its only been the recently where we have headed into some delays which I personally dont want, but there is only so much 1 person can do. I just hope everyone can forgive us for the past and support us for the future of our whole new re-launch of T-UK* The expected date we're aiming to finish everything is mid September, we look forward to see a good turn out on the day we launch. mean while, I am doing my best to reply to all e-mails, answering all calls and most importantly getting all orders out! If anyone any have questions about anything please ask and I will be more then happy to answer you:) Thanks for reading, Best regards Dan@Trials-UK PS: We have a brand new system installed which will make all orders even more efficient and it is integrated to our website so the stock notification will be "Live" rather then static, we have a lot of drastic changes which will benefit all customers and with all the new gizmo in place it will again make our whole operation system a breeze.
  22. Pretty cool design, however until its been through testing stage we wont know the true performance of this item. Also I am skeptical about the quality of these: HENO Piston Parts Quality, Hopefully the production items will be finished off with precision:D
  23. Very nice looking frames, These are going to be retailed at £499.00 + delivery. They are due to be in the UK on the 7/8th August in both finish along with all the new products from Rock Man:) I hope this helps, Thanks, Dan@Trials-uk
  24. Hey, Here's a mixture of semi-New skool and some old skool pics:D, I will have to find some old pictures of rigs as they're on actual photographs rather then JPG(N) No computer technology back in the days 2003 Pitbull - Echo Factory Wheels - Megamo Cranks - ACS - Echo Stem/ Bars - Urban forks - Magura Marta/ HS33 - Supa Trial Tyres Brisa B26D - Panaracer/ Mich Comp 24 - Mavic/ Hope Front wheel - Brisa Bar/ Stem - Fatty Forks - Burns Cranks Speed Race (Only one in the UK) - VIZ Forks - Echo factory rear wheel/ CNC Rim - First ZOO Cranks/ Bash Echo Pure 04/5 - 2nd Gen echo cranks - VIZ Proto forks/ Rear hub Echo 05 Team - Echo 05 Control - Factory build Echo Urban -koxx Forxx - Shimano 105 Mech/ XT Rapid Shift - First gen Koxx rear wheel - Koxx Bar/ Stem - Megamo Cranks/ Bash - ACS Echo Team 04 - Monty Bar/ Stem - Monty Wheels - Koxx Forks - ACS - Legendary Echo Supa Tires! BT Raven 4.0 (One of the first in UK) Zoo Pitbull 04 one of the first to hit the UK Echo 04 Team - Proto VIZ Stem/ Bars - Proto VIZ Carbon Forks Echo Hifi .... Echo ES3 Zoo Lynx First ever bike which got converted to a trials bike was a Raleigh Urban Swamp Hope you like them:)
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