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next doors cat

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Everything posted by next doors cat

  1. Nice! Type a quick geo maybe? Also, how does this beaut manual??
  2. Soooooo good! Makes me want to ride but theres ice every where!
  3. riding was awesome but music was a fail.
  4. next doors cat


    pretty cool vid there
  5. Awesome place to ride and awesome choice of music!
  6. ok so what about the 07s and 09s got any views on these? Guy
  7. Would just like to here what you think of them if you've had them basiaclly. Too weak, too flexy, too...um... cathlic? etc. Thanks Guy
  8. This vid is immense! the places you have to ride are really cool too.
  9. I think i had a similar problem, the thread on the BB part of the frame wasnt quite machined properly which ment as i pedalled it unscrewed its self and came out, making it feel loose. you will have to take out your BB and take your crank off and have a reel good look at the thread inside the frame, on the bottom bracket and your crank to see whats what. Guy
  10. Its completly down to prefrence, moast people try both mod and stock to see which they like better before buying a trials bike. people say if your tall you should probably get a stock. Because if your tall you have long enough legs to get there weight over the front and back wheels sleightly better, making things like wheel swaps sleightly easyer. But people moastly dont care, all they care about is riding for fun and which bike suits them better not if they have chosen the "wrong" bike.
  11. there is no tips and tricks thread because when ever someone wants to learn a new technique they just go to www.trashzen.com
  12. right ok thanks. I can do pedal hops about 4 pallets high but for some reason just assumed sidehops were done with the brake always on. I first got suspicious when my rolling pedal got higher than my sidehops well I better start learning the other way then thanks again Guy
  13. Basicly when I do sidehops I keep the brake on as I do it but is this the same as evryone else does it? im not sure but I think Rick Koekoek lets the brake off and does a sort of pedal kick, sidehop hybrid thing. thanx Guy
  14. I've got some serfas SPGB Pro grips. they're super grippy and comfortable, gloves or not there still really good and they're excellent when your hands are sweaty to. i love em. problem is there quite hard to find in ther UK.
  15. Hi if you do get the trialtech's then before you go out on it make sure they're tight beause they can come loose somtimes and cause damage to your bottem bracket. from my own experience anyway. but there good and I like them. Guy
  16. hi check your email please.


    (next doors cat)

  17. People like trials riders in my town because of a very good trials rider named mikey who lives across the road from me. anyway hes stopped now, not sure why actualy. anyway his skill made him popular and evryone respects him.so anyone trying to do the same is just given a quick glance and thats it. but hey dont let those goons stop you.
  18. If someone could maybe contact him for me or get me his msn that would be incredibly helpful. Guy
  19. Hi there i am intrested in minicracks onza t pro, but because i am not validated i have no way of letting him no. Can anyone help please? Guy
  20. Hey, im Guy, have no bike i have been loking into trials riding and have decided to give it a go. I live in the north devon area and am 15, my bros have liked trials for a while now and so they got me into it i spose. i am looking for a 20" bike at the moment.
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