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fatty r

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Everything posted by fatty r

  1. therear is a hope xc built on aalexrims dx32 and the front is a hope mono built on a mavic f519

  2. is there any good street in ullapool
  3. is there much to ride in ullapool or somewhere in the middle
  4. get the t rex the dimondback will just fall apart in no time
  5. i live about an hour from fort william can meet up for a shred in fort bill if you want sumtime i thenk theres a cupple of riders in fort william as well
  6. hacksaw a groove in the bolt head to fit a screwdriver then boil the ketle and poor it over the hub where the bolt goes in it will expand the metal of the hub so the bolt comes out easy as pie and because its not a flame heating the metal it wont burn off any paint
  7. me and the bird are buyion each other a new tattoo each for christmas
  8. i think ill take a pass on the front hubs and wheel the tensioner looks ok i supose
  9. hey all wots everyones favorate christmas tunes 7 more sleeps untill santa comes gettin all exited
  10. yo i ride stock and run 22 toth on the front and 16 tooth on the rear
  11. that guys a tank dont usualy like tgs videos but that was pretty shweeet
  12. what happened to mike bentham who used to ride for brisa
  13. i live bout an hour and a half away from avimoore yea man theres heaps of lines nd stuff to ride when theres no snow should deffenetly cum up ridin theres also inverness not too far away frm avimoore with some good architecture to ride
  14. zoo pads with a liitle bit of tar or plaz pads
  15. proper brake fluid is good i have no problem with it but it costs money and need a car so car comes first
  16. as winter is pretty much here and for all the people with water bleeds i wondered if theres any tips for unfreezing them i already no not to use a kettle of water because its can split your slave sylindres and i only live with my old man so no hairdryers avalable any ideas cheers kyle
  17. swap you a set of stock wheels for the echo frame =]

  18. found this on youtube what a guy
  19. hope pro 2 trials on a onza ronnie with 16 t rear yo 22 t front gearing
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