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fatty r

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Everything posted by fatty r

  1. pretty sweet vid there man . Jeez you sure like to destroy forks eh
  2. if you get validated making a post like that with that sort of spelling theres somthing wrong mate
  3. if he is already running a fixed sprocket up front then what would be the point in changing over to ffw . and why do you go say f**king newbs i have been riding trials and buildin bikes for 8 or more years now its proboaly longer than you have known what trials is
  4. i would suggest a hope pro 2t hub or a chris king . with a alexrims dx32 or an echo urban rim its entierly up to you though hes riding a stock man profile only make 116mm rear hubs and because its a deore on his bike at the min i think his frame spacing is 135 mm. Not tryin to be a c##t just pointing it out
  5. i honestly couldnt tell you how to service one of those . I would suggest a hub/wheel upgrade
  6. what kind of hub is on your bike i.e the bit in the middle of your wheel . or do you have a front free wheel
  7. what hub / freewheel are you running . you may just ahve a snapped spring that needs replaced and a hub / fw serivice
  8. ye you should be able to use the coulered outes no problem
  9. im not sure if it woulkd work or not but if you wanted a different coulercable you gould buy the whole thing then take out the brake cable and just use the coulered outer and a normal gear cable inside it . I also think that the litte bit at the end of your cable that joins it to your leaver / or shifter are different sizes.
  10. i thought it was quite a good bike when it was built up it wasnt the lightest mind you . but I was able to bust out some moves on it . Hope you enjoy riding yours
  11. i wouldnt sell it anyway im afraid its got sentimental value an d a wall orniment plus no buyin or sellin in nmc . Yea the brisa bar and stem combos wer good i swapped a set a few month ago
  12. hey buddy welcom to the forum im sure youll find where all pretty nice on here
  13. here is a link http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?category_id=109 the other 2 vee brakes seen here are also good it just depends on your budget
  14. hey man i think the avid ultimate v barke is the best . its pricey thogh
  15. i have used them all apart from the vario styx. The brisa b26d is in pretty good nic acctualy theres a few scratches and only one dent. Also abit of a bad scratch from chain suck but no cracks
  16. nearly all of them are trials frames accept the red azonic ds.2 which is a dual slalom fram . but bac k when i started trials there wasnt that meany trials frames on the market so you had to get a small seat tubed frame
  17. sry didnt mean 20 i ment 200 but kwality does he have the jesse kames one like mine . the echo is not being used because it is cracked on the seat stay unfortunatly =[
  18. what up guys i just found this on youtube . im not sure if its a repost i havent seen it before anyway. Watch out for the mega big drop at 1 min 30
  19. the chopper was an impulse buy . there was 20 made by west coast choppers . its the only one in the uk
  20. http://s613.photobucket.com/albums/tt213/t...current=013.jpg
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