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fatty r

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Everything posted by fatty r

  1. you no its christ mas when the muppets christmas carol is on XD
  2. well penguin is all sold out as far as i no and wd need to work out postage and it would be easyer to send to just 1 person or just order from our website ?
  3. yea man im a trainee brewer with them
  4. how would buying a cheep whisky or vodka and mixing it with your favorate beer be the same . at brewdog after we have first fermented the the wart with yeast to make the alcohol we then age the beer for tactical nuclear penguin in whisky casks for 15 months to give it more flavour then it was frozen twice to minus 20 and the ice removed to leave a more pure alcohle this was done twice if you could do all this in your own home fair play to everyone else who has bought our beer i hope you enjoy it kyle
  5. i manage 12 mile inroughly an hour and 10 to an hour and 20 minthta with a 22-16 ratio
  6. looking good guys looks like it was a good day
  7. where abouts are we meeting st nics ? if so where is that i have only been to aberdeen twice so dont know my way around yet i will be getting lifts to and from but where abouts is st mics next to . as in a referance point for me to look for
  8. so wots happening then is everyone going to meet at 10 and bum around untill ross gets there or are we all meeting at 12;10
  9. fatty r


    haha there mad it makes me want to have a go doi what they did
  10. fatty r


    possibly my mistake could some1 move it please
  11. fatty r


    hey im watching extreme just now and theres a program on called klunkerz is anyone else watching it theses old guys are nuts
  12. maby my spare room ill ask the old dear are lifts included though and i stay about an hour from aberdeen
  13. ishould proboaly be able to make it dude
  14. yo man im currently running 35psi in both my wheels 26 inch i personly like running them at quite a hard pressure because the bike rolls around better on harder tyres better for more spinny streety riding
  15. wots on the t-birs stem looks like foam
  16. woop woop lol my bike at the start with the duck on the stem haha peace
  17. i loved that flick it was kwality some nice lines been layed down i wonder how mr macaskill would fair up with no brakes hmm =/
  18. effect is looking sweet but where you put the seat in the seat tube looks squint on that pic lol. not too sure on the justice paint job though
  19. i have just been reading this thread and it brought back the memories of when i started riding my first bike was a ddg shooter with vee brakes god old days now i want to build my brisa b26d up or my azonic d.s 2
  20. hey man im moving to aberdeenshire next week so i will be up for shreding around with you i ride a streety style as well so should be goodgive me a shout sometime . and welcome to the froum
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