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Everything posted by Mikee

  1. Here's my new bike. Will be taking it out for my first ride on it tomorrow.
  2. If manuals, bunny hops and spins are your thing, this build was super playful. And was my favourite setup.
  3. They are more at home on the street, from my experience. I stopped riding mine about a year ago, when my riding turned from mainly street, to mainly rocks. A lot of my local rocks are tightly packed and technical. And for that, the justice didn't feel right. It might just be me, but I always thought they ride better with momentum. Still the best all round trials bike I have owned. A bit of extra info. They aren't light, if you are coming from a more modern bike. The back end isn't all that stiff and if you like to run the pads quite close to the rim like I do, the back brake often rubs. You can get a tensioner-less setup with 18:15, with a touch of dropout filing.
  4. @Tony Harrison I've always known the black and red ones as the mk2. I've got a silver one too, as a frame in the loft. That was 1040 with trialtech forks, if memory serves. I also want the say that the BB was ever so slightly negative. I may be wrong, I didn't have it built all that long. @Scott Gibbs Yeah, one of them was red. I have had 7 over the years.
  5. Mine always measured around 1050mm to 1060mm, depending on the forks. BB rise was about 20mm, I think.
  6. I really miss the mk1 fourplay I had. Probably because it was my go to bike, when I rode most frequently.
  7. Good news. Hopefully the youth DH market will fire some life back into 24". Fingers crossed for a 24" Der Kaiser.
  8. That's impressive. He must have picked up a lot when touring with Martyn. Or he is one of those annoying bastards that gets on a bike and instantly nails things.
  9. Boy + Girl and Girl + Boy is the same thing. So only three possibilities, right? And one definitely is a boy. The boy is either going to have a sister or a brother. 50/50 surely?
  10. Why does everything break when you are saving up for something? My car doesn't want me to get a new mountain bike.
  11. @isitafox What phone?
  12. @TROYston £100 is a bit steep for an angel grinder.
  13. Bought a 1.6 focus to save some pennies a few months ago. Steering rack decided to start leaking today. And to rub salt into the wound, it hasn't been drastically cheaper to run then my 2.0 turbo. So it hasn't had a chance to pay for itself in savings yet.
  14. I was never a heavy smoker... but when I quit (nearly 7 years ago now), I cut down gradually over a month or two, until I was having about 1-3 a day. It made stopping completely a lot easier, as I had tried the cold turkey way a couple times unsuccessfully. Not drinking alcohol during and for a while after the quitting period helped me a lot too. As most people smoke more when drinking.
  15. Have they been second hand or new brakes? Are you rebleeding them yourself or having them rebled before the leaking occurs?
  16. I'm on a prime free trial at the moment, though I still won't sign up for it. Regarding the stream quality, with the 4Mbps I get at home, prime streaming was very poor quality and choppy. However, I can stream Netflix absolutely fine, even in HD as long as someone else in the house isn't doing any other sort heavy downloading. I too thought episode 2 was a bit lame. It didn't go down as well on IMDB etc either, so maybe they will take it on board and make the necessary changes for season 2.
  17. @TROYston I think it would be better in the long run to find and fix the leak. It is easy to do if you are willing to remove some of the interior.
  18. I currently have a leak in my boot. It's a focus, so I sealed up the rear lights where they commonly leak yesterday, but more water in the boot today. More trim off at the weekend.
  19. Best thing to do is remove some trim and get someone to spray your car with a hose while you inspect it. My previous car leaked from the pillarless door seal, so I packed some coax cable in there to hold it up against the glass firmer. But after I did that I found that I was still getting water. So after more looking, I traced it down to the windscreen. It wasn't glued properly in the top corner.
  20. I just finished watching it. It was good overall, but with some "meh" mixed in. It felt a lot like the old top gear, but with more money and some key bits missing (probably for legal reasons). I didn't like the track or the American, an unmasked Ben Collins on a proper track would have been better. A lot of the studio jokes went on for longer than they needed to, etc. It's missing a lot of the charm from the old show, but I did expect this from the 1st season. Top Gear had years to perfect itself and now they have to reproduce that while at the same time, keeping the Amazon lawyers happy. We just need Chris Harris to front a more serious Top Gear and we would have 2 good car shows to watch.
  21. I am waiting for them all to be aired, then I will download the whole series.
  22. After wanting to do so for most of my life, I have finally started watching Red Dwarf.
  23. I keep coming back to this for my lunch time at work viewing.
  24. @jeff costello Feminism = equal rights for women. Equality = equal rights for everyone. Giving someone an advantage over someone else over gender or whatever, isn't equal rights. Would you think it would be fair if say a white man in a work place was the hardest worker, had been working there the longest and was obviously the right person for the job, was denied a promotion because a women who wasn't the hardest worker and had been working there half the time as the man, got the position instead all because she was a women? Recent feminism however, has gone way over the top and fail to see realities. One example is how some places are lowering the standard for women to pass military tests, which could put their and other lives in danger. There are physical reasons why males generally make getter soldiers.
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