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Everything posted by tdubz

  1. I might just bite the bullet and get a star Nut Gap in the market for trials manufacturers though
  2. tdubz

    New pedal time

    Ive got nukeprooof and i like them
  3. What do you mean? I thought the previous post might be a good solution?
  4. Never had much luck with them in the past dave. I fitted the gusset thing nearly 5 years ago and never had an issue, if all else fails i will go to a star nut no problem but i was just seeing if i could keep my gusset some way some how
  5. Yeah that would be ok, but the head will not sit down in the countersink when it is done up, its almost as if the whole system would need to be one size increased, both the hole iself and the countersink
  6. Thats what i was thinking Dr Stix, issue is the top of the steerer at the top cap end
  7. Just got a new neon sloping top cap stem I want to run my gusset headlock system with it but i am having some size issues The threaded bar is too big to fit through the hole of the topcap, seems one size too much additionally if i was to drill it out, the top of the bar where the allen key fits would not countersink into the topcap itself is there any alternatives to the gusset headlock system which prehaps uses a slightly smaller thread ideally i dont want to use a starnut, any homemade systems people used before ill get some pics sorted now to make it seem clearer many thanks tom
  8. I measured my original bokt andit was 4mm in width God im confused now!!!!!!!
  9. That is the M6 one you keep mentioning http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/other_frame_spares/onza_m6_integrated_tensioner_replacement_bolt/c127p12050.html If you read the description it talks about not suitable for GU frames However this one is http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/other_frame_spares/stan_titanium_echo_integrated_chain_tensioner_bolt/c127p12072.html But out of stock and doesnt give an "M" size for it so i can find one elsewhere.....
  10. Yeah i get what you mean about the bolt length, i was referring to the width of the bolt, what size thread to use
  11. It takes a size 2 allen key... So what bolt siZe is that?
  12. Does anyone know where i can get a replacement? Stan one from tarty currently out of stock and need a replacement fast! Thanks
  13. You need a rider to help with the marketing of it and who is gonna put videos out regulary.... Has anybody local put a vid out lately that would influence the public....
  14. Looks really good Lewis Make sure you facebook/post on here each episode well worth a watch!
  15. Thanks mark easy solved then!!!!!
  16. Here is the situation Recently snapped my frame, it has a 116mm back end so naturally i have the same hub. The hub is echo tr I am looking around for replacement frames but before i make serious decisions i was wondering..... A mate of mangled his old tr hub where the cog attaches but this was a 135mm hub same as mine. Could i swap the axle into my 116hub (i know tarty sell a 135 hun axle) and it would work? And how difficult is this to do? This could broaden my frame searching quest! Thanks
  17. Running an xposure slick bmx cable.... Can anyone recommend a really good cable lube to use?
  18. Yeah i know. I was referring more to the feel of the pull
  19. The 4 finger lever on my magura felt good though? Thought this wud just be the same?
  20. Yeah a longer blade v brake lever How so family biker?
  21. Going back to v brakes for winter after an enjoyable summer on a 4 finger 2005. I currently have avid sd7 levers from when i previously ran v brakes. But i need to find a lever which is as near as dam it to the maggy four finger. Any suggestions? Thanks
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