Hello mate, It’s not too old to start doing trials, I started at the age of 14, It your choice on what age you want to start I have a mate on msn and he started trials at 21 That a bit old to start I think Thanks mike
Yes I know what you mean you don’t want to spend too much money on cranks my mates got some onza muscle men cranks and they are solid and usually get 170mm which would be good but yes I would go for some onza muscle man my mate has got some and there good and extremely stronger like jjbarret says they are. Mike
Hello there, I’m just wondering if anyone is selling a rear rim, Mine is on it way of snapping , So if anyone is selling one, Email me on: kentgooner94@hotmail.co.uk, Thanks, Mike
Hey everyone, Anyone wants to go on a Rainham ride, I don’t mind ill come on a ride anywhere I don’t mind, I’m just looking for more people that ride trials, Thanks, Mike
Hey mate, Do you know the hubs that you're selling I’m just wondering how much you will sell them for Today was quite good I think seeing someone on a "26" makes me feel more comfy seeing some one that ride "26" Thanks for the steam and bars it feels great Many thanks Mike:)
I'm happy that the tips these people have gave you are helpful. Just keep up the encouragement and he will be the second best in the world . (After me) No seriously though keep up the moral support! Mike.
Great video! 1 year and you can do all that! That's amazing! I wish i could learn that in a year! To answer your question "How Are We Doing?" Answer: Superb! Is that 16 videos over 1 year? Great riding though, for sure! Would love to see a bigger improvement, would be wicked! Keep it up! . Thanks, Mike.
Hey mate, Is tomorrow good, What time shall we meet up? Can you bring up your steam and bars ill buy them off you for £30.00 By the way if you do come down tomorrow I have a white trials I meet you at Rainham station
Hi, I'm mike and I was chatting to some of my mates who ride Trials, We would all come riding with you. We come from Rainham and it would be a pleasure to come with you and ride? Where about are you thinking of riding then? Almost anywhere is good for us. We all are at an average level or riding. We're all around the age of 13-14 years of age. Thanks Mike .