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michael danes

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Everything posted by michael danes

  1. Nice vid Chris, I like it. How big was that side hop it looked perty big and how you get your brakes to make that wonderful sound, I would love for my brakes to sound like that. Mike
  2. Thanks mate im looking to get new forks hopefully Mike
  3. Hello guys i have just got the bike i have always wanted So happy Here some pics of my Zoo Pitbull 05. Quick Spec Zoo pitbull 05 frame Echo stem and bars Try-all rims (front and back) with hope pro 2 hubs Middle burn cranks with v8 pedals Czar headset Kmc cool chain Onza bottom bracket Front avid bb7 203m roter Hs33 rear brake with Koxx browns pads
  4. the Monty shop sell tar, Its all for free you have to pay for postage at low cost i ordered tar from the monty shop about 3 mounths ago and i still have it its well good tar i would say have a look on the Monty shop website and have a look if not just get the Monty rim spray mike
  5. Hello guys, I am just wondering, Who invented trials and what there bikes where like to the trials bikes now, I was thinking with my mates was it like someone had a mountian/jump bike and just took the seat off it, So i was wondering if anyone knew who invented trials biking, I heard monty was the first trials brand out, But still would like to no what the first trials bike looked like Many thanks Michael Danes
  6. What a video! Chris never seen you ride like that before! Good work.
  7. nice i havent had steak in ages
  8. well funny i never tired them what they like ????
  9. yeap italian foos is the dog nuts !!!
  10. i got bored so i made a topic on what food people like the best food i have ever had is my mothers curry !!!! so nice, or my faters pasta so what food do you love ? mike
  11. My grilfreind always f****s me about. When I always want to ride and see my gril-mate's, she always classifi's that as 'cheating' and its realy annoying. Bikes do come first and always will be first:) Mike:)
  12. hello mate i got a xbox 360 just got my live today what games you got i would love to give you a game on fifa 08 or call of duty 4 thanks mike
  13. right i would like a 26" Monty 231 Kamel '08 frame with a try-all 26" bike kit btw it is Aarron on mikes user JJ you never said what you want, what would you have ?
  14. hello mate, you can not sell on new members chat have you read the rules if you sell on new menbers you will not get validated mike
  15. I like it but is onza they break so easy ! i personaly dont like it but it up to you, it not my choice mike dane
  16. Hello my name is Michael Danes I have a mad phase 1.3 and in the process of selling it I have been riding trials since the beginning of the year I am also 14 years of age Mike People who want to quit and i want to get better i have just started trials and wish to be my mates.
  17. hello mate, my mate has an echo magura lever and it give more power than a normal magura lever thanks mike
  18. Hello, Is anyone free on Wednesday because our medways local mp (Paul Clarke) is coming to parkwood? So if anyone is free please come up In parkwood we really need a skate/trials park So if anyone can make it, it will be my pleasure Many thanks Michael Danes
  19. Hello, Is anyone free on Wednesday because our medways local mp (Paul Clarke) is coming to parkwood? So if anyone is free please come up In parkwood we really need a skate/trials park So if anyone can make it, it will be my pleasure Many thanks Michael Danes
  20. Hello, Is anyone free on Wednesday because our medways local mp (Paul Clarke) is coming to parkwood? So if anyone is free please come up In parkwood we really need a skate/trials park So if anyone can make it, it will be my pleasure Many thanks Michael Danes
  21. Hello Andy My bars and steam are working wonderful And I’m considering getting a grind And thanks for your advice Mike
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