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About D-L-B

  • Birthday 03/18/1981

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  • Real Name
    Daniel Leadbetter
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Folding shopper, Sturmey Archer, white wall tyres, all the usual jazz

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    currently breasts.
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. I too have a disliking for that word. It is often misused. I feel the word skill or ability would be much more apt in most situations. To say something is simply down to 'talent' is to almost deny them of the praise they're worthy of. Since, you are basically saying "they can and you can't" as if it's that simple, instead of acknowledging the time/effort/determination that it also takes to be truly great at something. Dan
  2. If you fancy having a go yourself, (you've got to start sometime) have a gander at Sheldon Brown as mentioned earlier and also you could look at Spoke Calculator although they probably won't have the trials specific rims you're likely to be using listed on there you could find a rim with a similar depth to use as a guide when calculating. If you're still not confident then get it done by a proffessional.
  3. Insecure? Right, because I was the one getting all defensive and lashing out... ;) Clearly it is you who failed to grasp what I was saying when I used Wayne Rooney as an example. Again, another person cannot articulate themselves well enough to not have to resort to cheap personal jibes, this time bringing my family into it.. :D The purpose of your post: so, you don't like being impersonated. Is that all you lot can say? blatant crappy flaming and personal insults. Truly pathetic.
  4. Thanks Richard. Or should I say DICK?! You've only served to embarrass yourself further with such an idiotic rant. I laugh at you. You are the true ignoramus here. I could quote you and pick at everything you said by putting it out of context, a tactic you employ poorly I might add, but I can't be bothered to spend the time arguing with children. I have nothing to gain from it. And just to add (although I didn't imply this earlier), nine years, especially at this end of your life span, is ALOT of difference. Dan
  5. Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon. I think the reds are softer compound, better performance, shorter pad lief Green are hard for wet or dirty conditions. Gold are standard sintered. Unless anyone can correct me on that. Dan
  6. Regarded by who exactly? Just the people on here. I think more top road riders, for example, would have heard of Pete Matthews than Adam Read. For the record, I know Adam, he's a great guy and can build wheels but I have to cringe every time someone sucks him off over the internet. And when did I say 15 year olds couldn't build wheels?!.. Nah, you stated that he builds THE best wheels, based purely on the one experience you have of him building your wheels. It was a pretty ignorant statement. I brought it to your attention that there may be other things outside of your knowledge so it would be foolish to come to a conclusive decision such as that, especially at such a tender age when you have such limited experience of the world. However the pair of you seem to have reacted badly to it, and disproportionately I might add, thus resulting in you both resorting to personal insults. Terrible shame. Carry on with your ignorance. :D Dan
  7. The original carbon forks that Giacomo and Gilles used were actually made by Fournalles and would have been stupidly expensive. The Betd forks are the ones Danny butler now uses which have a different looking crown to the Fournalles. Dave Butler told me that Betd have no plans to produce any more of these for general sale, but with a probable price tag aproaching £300 maybe they thought riders pockets wouldn't be quite that deep. Dave actually gets the carbon tubing and replaces the legs himself periodically. I also have purchased some of those USE forks off Ebay. Flex City, Arizona, I tell you. Dan
  8. Yu shud lernn to do it yerself an with da munny yoo sav get yorself a 'Lern yoself Inglish' book.
  9. So effectively you're saying Wayne Rooney MUST be super intelligent!
  10. That so eh? I know Adam might build good wheels but why don't you get out of his virtual arse? I doubt at 15 that you know much about anything at all anyway, so it's easy for you to spout rubbish by assuming that your limited experience of the world is all there is to know. As building your own wheel. Take your time too, make sure you've got maybe a couple of hours spare if you've never done it before. And don't go swinging on the spoke key and over tightening anything.
  11. http://www.bofunk.com/video/687/can;t_stay_on_the_trail.html look at this one. He's got to have broken his neck there.
  12. The guy with the cheese-grater. If he's that bothered why doesn't he get an ALUMINIUM frame instead.
  13. No, the term "Union Jack" is used to describe the "Union Flag" only when it is flown on a ship. It is the "Union Flag".
  14. I wouldn't be. Look at that overspray! That's terrible! Dan :)
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