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Everything posted by ConorXNT

  1. Coming from another unvalidate though...
  2. Things take time to learn Hes only been at it a week?
  3. Welcome The Base frames any good,thinking of getting one?
  4. That adament frame is bloody ace
  5. how much you selling the t-rex for?

  6. Are the saracen mad frames any good?
  7. Pushing towards 26 atm Just wondering would mountain bike wheels be able to go as the front wheel because iv got a pretty decent wheel in my cellar? >.<
  8. Decided im gona attempt to build my own bike after a few years of learning to fix them up to a good standard, Either going 20" or 26" Anyone able to give me any advice where to start off with frames that are quite cheap, around £120?
  9. If your willing to pay the £200 extra id go with the echo.
  10. Hey mate you still got the monty ti for sale? if so any chance of a few pics?(:

  11. Just wondering what gets most people into trials... I got interested in it after seeing this older kid when i was a bit younger hopping about beside my house. I was just amazed at the stuff
  12. Thanks for advice Emailed the seller and he said theres new brake cables going onnd hes bleeding the rear brake tonight. Asked for a few more pictures aswell
  13. I used to ride downhill abot 2 years ago on a trek 4300 down my area. There was some decent hills i could get good air on aswell Was all fun untill i managed to brake my bike
  14. Hi guys, new here suppose il introduce myself first Im Conor and im from Aberdeen =D Been looking for a trials specific bike for a while now as i get the money after attempting basic stuff on a mountain bike and i found this : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/onza-t-comp-trials-b...p3286.m14.l1318 Im just unsure of it as it looks quite old and a bit cheap? Any help will be greatly appreciated Conor
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