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Jo Prattley

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Jo Prattley last won the day on June 11 2019

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About Jo Prattley

  • Birthday 06/29/1993

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  • County (UK Only)
    North Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Joseph Prattley
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Trialtech, Tartybikes
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Trials isn’t dead and we didn’t have to wear jitsie shin pads either!!!
  2. Last week myself and some of the other riders who ride the barn up in the North East took a trip to Barcelona. While we were there Chester filmed and edited this video using just an iPhone. If you want to see more clips from the trip you can follow @the_barn_trials on instagram for regular riding pictures and videos from us. Here is the YouTube link https://youtu.be/4yksKTG_KpU Cheers Joe
  3. Loved that! It’s amazing that an event such as radfest can bring together so many different riding styles! So many great clips, such a great weekend! Thanks to team toasty for taking the time to film and piece this together! Roll on tartydays!
  4. I'm available through all the usual channels tinder, plenty more fish, babestation thanks for the feedback although the video is old the riding is quite current it's no secret I've been neglecting the trials bike in favour of the bmx in recent months but hopefully I'll get the spark back and get back on it soon for a video release in 2019 ( @mark w ) cheers
  5. Hi everyone Thanks for the feedback on the video! I'm so pleased to be a part of the Tartybikes team and i would like to thank Adam for adding me to a list of riders in which i can find both trials legends and good friends! For anyone who was hoping to see something more street orientated i am now back on a 26" and looking forward to utilising the good weather to work on another edit soon! Thanks guys !!
  6. adam that was f**king ages ago you goon ! haha so filthy though ! never actually saw you pull it !
  7. i rode bmx (20" proper bmx) for around 4 months or so about 2 years ago but it never seemed to be quite as satisfying as riding trials so i ended up giving the bike to my brother! i got hold of the 24" (bmx thing) around September last year and enjoyed it much more than the 20" bmx just started getting into riding trails on it now also to be honest ive always been pretty comfortable on loads of different bikes, i ride a bit of MTB, road and im usually willing to try anything new and interesting (ive also just picked up a 20" trials bike) thanks for all the comments .. hopefully will be able to produce another bmx video in the near future cheers prattley
  8. Hi everyone .. Thought i would post this video up on here as i see many of the trials forum users seem to be interested or into their bmx riding. The video came about after myself and Mr Alex Richardson (aka Mr Trial'n'error) bought ourselves bmx bikes to combat the lack of appropriate weather to ride trials this winter. The whole concept of bmx riding came quite naturally to me but having never really been into it properly, i am lacking in certain "bmx" tricks which is why you will see no barspins or tailwhips in this vid ! Comments both positive and negative are welcome here is the video anyhow For those trials purists who want something a little more static there is a trials video planned! Keep an eye out for the video and any others on www.trialnerror.co.uk cheers
  9. hoping to come along with some other northerners for saturday AND sunday !! woohoo ! just in the process of deciding where to park/stay. any help would be much appreciated cheers
  10. this sounds good to me .. let me check my schedule with my secretary
  11. Benito Ros has amazing style on a bicycle (Dave you ride a bike like your on day release from happy land) but he is a competition rider so style is arguably useless if placing well within biu's or uci's is whats important to the sponsor. Abel is an amazing rider to watch and i'm sure he will still continue to dominate no matter what piece of aluminium (or carbon) is between his legs.
  12. your one of the few people who ride those hex's like they should be ridden Aaron !! your phone didn't do this video justice ! don't take this the wrong way but i didn't realise actually how good you were on that bike before watching this vid !! (runs off to ride leeson)
  13. thanks for the comments ! for all their great quality's i'm afraid sambas do have one downfall as a riding shoe .. and that is that they break at the toe ! as i said in the description i feel my riding has progressed massively since sticking to a low bb bike (and in general) .. im not necessarily going much bigger (sidehop & up to front wise) than in this video but i feel much smoother and like i am in more control of the bike hopefully there will be a new video out soon to prove this (and prove im not talking out of my arse) cheers prattley
  14. Hey everyone About a year ago myself and a friend set aside a day to gather a few clips and put together a short edit for his university course, this is the footage we managed to collect ! After watching this video once or twice i can see how and where my riding has progressed since filming and this is by no means a "new" video hope everyone enjoys it http://www.pinkbike.com/video/349951/ cheers
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