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Everything posted by Hodgey1

  1. thats awesome to have started so young im 15 almost 16 ive only just started wish i got into it earlier
  2. just search up videos on youtube should help you
  3. have a look on hopes website here that should have all the information you need hope this helps
  4. i have a giant stp 2 with a fair few upgrades ill put some pictures up when i put it together
  5. thanks for the help guys i think i may go with a mod to start off with and see how it goes
  6. ouch that seriously looks painful mate hope you get better soon
  7. Personally I don’t do weed or any drugs, due to the fact I couldn’t afford it and I don’t like it. I do have a few friends that do and that’s their decision it doesn’t bother me at all. I can’t understand why people are looked down on when it’s what they want to do at the end of the day.
  8. hi im bit of a noob when it comes to trials and i was wondering whats the diffrence between a 20inch and 26inch wheeled trials bike other than the weight thanks alot
  9. i have usually about 3 at the max but having 6 and some people have more thats just crazy
  10. as everyone else as said that it just takes time for your skin to harden you can just invest in some decent gloves for now which should help you
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