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About Jitters

  • Birthday 02/09/1970

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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    Gary Kyle
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United States

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  • Location
    Spartanburg, SC

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Jitters's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Got my stock down to 10.6 kg. Nothing out of the ordinary, and parts have been holding up well for a beginner that's rough on the bike. Could probably drop plenty if I didn't run the super-duper heavy duty rear innertube.
  2. I secretly hate you for this. I think I just vurped. LOL
  3. Formerly Tappets, as in the old school name for valve lifters, also the name of a comic book /series I was working on but will never finish. Now, Jitters from drinking too much coffee / caffeine because I'll probably never finish my comic book idea. It pains me so.
  4. The font you used is really not working for me at all. Your call, but I'd prefer to see something that compliments the rougher edges of everything. Overall, I like the idea and with some cleaning up, as mentioned, it should make a nice design/product.
  5. Go for the Kool 710 and remove all doubt.
  6. nvwoci - Cool looking spray job, that is! What did you use for masking in between the different colored sections? ...and weirdoku, that's brilliant!
  7. Funny! Classic! You should win on frustration factor alone. Awe-inspiring bonus points for entries that copy that, but with limes or peanuts.
  8. Fantastic, Theo! Great work! I so miss working with traditional media. I'm afraid I've almost lost the touch for it altogether. Thanks for sharing!
  9. +1, the closer to vertical that the arms are when you're applying pressure, the better too. Also had the same issue with my mod. I removed the zip-tie from the cable boss closest to the back tire along the top tube and sliding the cable a little this way or that way cleared the problem up. Had something to do with the angle of the noodle and how it approached the brake arm. Putting a small gentle bend in the cable just as it exits the noodle can gain you a few mm too, but don't kink it so much that you unravel the cable wires. Hope you get it sorted, and hope my explanation might help.
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