Pads: Heatsink's Batch C
Time used: 1 month
Rim used: D521
Grind: Yes
Ceraminc: No
Brake used: Magura, bodged TPA, Water.
What is your opinion of a working brake: Nice solid feel, works in most conditions
How do they compare to previous pads you have used: Pads i used before were Koolstops, Standard black pads and Monty X-Hydra pads all three pads i used with tar no grind and the pads i found was the Monty ones held when i needed it to lock, But these lock well on a grind.
Review: When i got these pads off my mate i thought ill grind my rim as everyone said is best to. I did and it was great, lock well once it was bedded in, sound was there to reasure my brake work. But only thing i wasn't keen on was my brake was a bit spongy, and the pads came off the backings and the pads have rouned off at the ends, when my brake touch the rim flat.