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Everything posted by TomN

  1. If you want green rim tape cut a green bag into strips I did this to my Drilled rim, white, looks mint.
  2. Was born in Dublin but parents are Chinese........hhhmmm (Y) . Think I'll be riding mostly tomorrow.
  3. Yer weather been getting better abit warmer and tis great for moi (Y) . Odd bit of rain thoguh.
  4. TomN

    Echo Pure

    Am running a Ronnie rim in my Pure and have not had any problems setting up the brakes.
  5. TomN

    Chain Life

    Go on Tartybikes they sell KMC Kool Chains which are thinner for you to be able to run gears.
  6. Nice flat spot :) . Very good riding from peeps.
  7. TomN

    Mbedge New Video

    Enjoyable video (Y) That Jack Barnes is bees knees.
  8. That's is reeto for that amount of time in my opinion. I mean my Azonic DW bars are second hand and have lasted ages errr 1 year I think so far (Y)
  9. Does anyone know if theres a site you can upload mobile stuff for free and then using wap to download it on to your phone? As I dont have a dongle just yet.
  10. TomN


    Must be that, ta. And thanks for other people tips (Y).
  11. And shove another tyre inside the Hot S only had one punture aswell with another tyre inside which I dont know how :lol: was just riding around aswell.
  12. TomN


    Right, been trying to learn hook am not sure if am doing it right when i got into the position my leading foot pedal hits the surface which puts me off unless this is normal. Anyone got any tips?
  13. TomN

    Info Needed

    I will get a new mech hanger when I have some money, but I was able to bodge my mech on with zip ties :unsure:
  14. TomN

    Info Needed

    How i go about with nut and bolt? Take the current one out of rear mech? Plus what's a seat pin? :turned: .
  15. TomN

    Info Needed

    Could get a half linkl BMX one? No not running a rear mech at moment since my my rear mech wont screw in. Hub did skip about 3 times today. I will get a new mech hanger when i have some money.
  16. TomN

    Info Needed

    Hi I bought a Pure frame but someone never told me that the mech hanger was threaded, any way I put my chain on but it's very tight but I thought it might stretch out, but after 2hr or riding it still very tight. Just wanted will it do serious damage to my hope hub. edit:not running a rear mech sora at mo.
  17. There Hyde Park which is outside, it's ok, or there's The Works,inside but you have to sign up to it 'the works'. Leeds is great for street just ride around and you find something to ride. For natural there is Shipley Glen(Train: Saltaire), Addingham moor and Post Hill (Train: New Pudsey) which is just 5 mins away from me :) and Pudsey is ok for street.
  18. Yer it's something like that.
  19. Yer you do, I got a letter from Bt saying that end of March they will send another letter asking if i want to upgrade to 2mb.
  20. Hope M4 is beasty on the back, mate has one on his Orange Zero frame and still lasting him :(
  21. Well it looks a litle bit better than last time. Put a V on front, take the chain stay protector off because it looks tacky, be beeter if bars and stem was black also the rear calipers in black also pedals. Other then that it's good.
  22. TomN

    Sound Software

    Hi can anyone recommend me a music software I can use so i can shorten a MP3. Ta edit: ie shorten music length 3:20 to 1 min like.
  23. 576k and 1mb are going up to 2mb and 56k is going to 576k. Can't wait for mine in April :( .
  24. TomN

    Tioga Tyres

    Ok ta people.
  25. My mate just got a pair, was going to go two's with him but since last week on someone's bike with Tioga tyres and slip while gapping, It has put me off on all Tioga tyres but these seem to be good, grips good, nice pinch protection.
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