Q1- How often do you play any of the Lottery games ?
Very Infrequently* [x] Monthly** [ ] Weekly*** [ ] Weekly**** [ ]
* E.g only on birthdays, very occasionally as impulse buy etc
** You play once or twice per month
*** One Ticket per week
**** More than one ticket per month
Q2- Which of the following games have you played ? (State as many as applicable)
Lotto [x] Euromillions [ ] Thunderball [ ] Daily Play [ ] Scratchcards [ ] Hotpicks [ ]
Q3- What is your opinion on the variety of games available ?
Not Enough [ ] Just Right [ ] Too Much* [x] Too Much** [ ]
* Too much, but understand all the games
** Too much, but do NOT understand all the games
Q4- Which of these channels have you used to purchase a ticket before ? (State as many as applicable)
From Shop [x] Internet [ ] Text Msg [ ] Sky TV [ ]
Q5- Were you fully aware about the new interactive ways of purchasing a ticket ?
No [x] Some Idea [ ] Yes [ ]
Q6- Would you consider buying a ticket via text/sky tv/ web in the future ?
Already Do [ ] Definitly Not [ ] Unsure [x] Yes [ ]
Q7- How do you perceive the popularity of the National Lottery ?
Poor [ ] Declining [ ] Constant* [x] Improving [ ]
* Since it was launched
Q8- How often do you notice advertising (TV, print, Web etc) and promotions by the National Lottery ?
Never [ ] Occasionally [ ] Often [x] Very Often [ ]
Q9- In your opinion, How much does the Lottery do for good causes ?
Not Enough [ ] Does Some Good [x] A Lot of Good [ ] Don't Know [ ]
Q10- Do you think the National Lottery changes Britain for the better ?
No [ ] Unsure [x] Yes [ ]