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Everything posted by TomN

  1. TomN


    But ye can get left drive side profiles.
  2. Yer I feel the same started off good but it got boring after. But great riding from him
  3. Great pictures there Waynio was ill today
  4. Hi I just wanted to know if its normal for a rim where it joins together to have a small split? As i think i read somewhere that it is? and it's because the joint is pinned and it should close up when built? Is it true?
  5. Was great seeing waynio riding today and others but too cold for my liking so I hardly did any riding.
  6. Get ye self to Merrion Centre, reeto place to park and prices are cheapest there probs errr multimap? lol
  7. I thought Scarbro was alright when us lot went there, just check out these photos what you could ride at Scaro Pic1 Pic2 Pic3
  8. Yay! I got it Ta Sam!
  9. boo and i just sent a pm aswell oh well lol
  10. Boo can I have the mars bar then?
  11. lol theres like no picture or any info on bunky what is it/person?
  12. It'll be reet if people come later as we always about ride from 11.00 to 12ish or lil bit later waiting for people to arrive.
  13. Saves you from going out and getting sockos and undies for ye self.
  14. Hardcore! He did taunt it a bit long, oh well.
  15. TomN

    Trials Game

    That's OLD........
  16. Whoa that picture is quality! Plus you can even see hair on her arm
  17. I would say go for the Paul Melvin or the Rohloff one I'd probs go for Rohloff even though it does cost a bit but from what I read it's the dogs dangles.
  18. I was thinking of that too! Well.......tailwhip gaps am telling I think it's possible. Nice decent run up, then lift and do a tailwhip and hopefully land on back wheel when the bike comes rounds
  19. TomN

    Khe Hub

    True but wasn't the quality of the materials let the hub down? Anyway it's BMX so it should hold up.
  20. TomN

    Khe Hub

    Cool so the New Echo hubs are like the KHE.......... For the price of this KHE it's not bad for £80.
  21. Lets have a random guess of................30? Can't wait for this ride. Am glad at least one more anit got new bike parts ta Wayne
  22. Merrion Centre is not so bad either for prices
  23. Unlucky man Wanted to see ye ride aswell on the 27th.
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