Hi i'd be grateful if some of you guys would fill this out for me, it'll go towards my coursework for business --------------------------------------------------------- Questionnaire 1.Male: Female: 2.Age: 5-12: 13-20: 21-29: 30+: 40+: 50+: 60+: 3.Do you buy/have done in the past Chinese take-away? Yes: No: 4.If ‘Yes’, how often? Daily: Weekly: Monthly: Infrequently: 5.If ‘No’, would you in the future? Yes: No: 9.Would you like the new Chinese take-away to accept other payment methods such as credit/debit cards, cheques? Yes: No: 10.What would you want from this Chinese take-away? Gm, additive: Cooked fresh to order: Selling Drinks: 11.What do you think is acceptable for ‘Set Meal’ prices? For one; £5: £6: £7: £8: £9: For two; £13: £14: £15 £16: For three; £23: £24: £25: £26: For four; £30: £32: £34: £36: 12.Most you would pay for a dish? £3: £3.50: £4: £4.50: £5: £5.50+: 13.What would encourage you to use this new authentic Chinese takeaway? Delivery: Location: Prices: Food range: Food Quality: Decorations: 14.Do you purchase online? Yes: No: 15.If ‘Yes’ how often? Daily: Weekly: Monthly: Infrequently: 15.If ‘No’ why not? Security online: No PC: Prefer to go out and buy: 17. Would you use an online ordering system to order you Chinese food from this new take-away? Yes: No: Maybe: