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Everything posted by TomN

  1. TomN


    Whoa! Mofo I want it lol Very nice, it makes me miss my old school T-Bird PS. Get Carl back in
  2. That kid is gunna get goooooood
  3. Can some of you tell me which place is best xp themes?
  4. TomN

    First Car

    I've been looking at 306, POLO and also a Golf. Couldn't get a qoute ont Golf but for 306 I got 3K qoute. Got my heart set on a Golf
  5. TomN

    Nintendo Wii

    Aye you can Pre-Order them now think they are coming out on 17thish DEC. So soon!!!!!
  6. TomN

    Nintendo Wii

    Na I tink thee Wii will do well when the price for the console is below £200. Plus you can still play your old Gamecube games aswell as roms of Snes/Nes/N64 I guess and also old Sgea games!!! What a machine...lol
  7. Buy a second hand rim if your struggling for money.
  8. You can get a 2.5 in I had a 2.5 tioga white tiger in mine before. Also people have had a koxx rim fitted in their frames aswell. However you need well worn down pads
  9. Ha you downtube has been well used Unlucky but for 8 months thats quite long i think...
  10. Yeah I sure Porter is still giving inputs to ashton/orange.
  11. Get A COPY of Microsoft Office on CD My mates dad sorted me out with one
  12. I Got THIS Laptop for Uni at the moment and is doing me fine. Not bad I think for £640. Duo Core and that...
  13. Sexy mofo's Ones going on thee bike list...
  14. Interesting. But her neck after look fake like... well was but didn't look real enough compare to the rest.
  15. TomN

    Mozilla Fire Fox

    Yeah I mean the middle button. Yeah its a mouse i bought seperate. I've try looking for new update using firefox tools/option bit but says there isn't any update yet. K i'll have a play around cheers lads.
  16. TomN

    Mozilla Fire Fox

    Yeah the first one. k i'll try what you said kboats
  17. Ha I remember last time freezing cold and wet Bah I shall see if thee mates are up for it again...
  18. I've only seen white seat with new Ashtons at moment but that cool if they come with black now...
  19. Hi right on pc i could open new tabs by just clicking my scroll button but on my laptop at moment when i click withmy scroll button it just wont open a new tab and just comes up with a magnifing glass icon if i want to zoom in or not. Does anyone know how i can set up my scroll button to open new tabs? I've tried googling thee answer but no luck.
  20. Ooo black seat did you spray it black?
  21. TomN

    Easton Bars's

    Get Carl back into trials aswell
  22. i get most of my jeans now from H&M. Got loads of shizzles...
  23. Bast tard! Sexy mofo bikes you have So black ha. very nice
  24. What cranks are they? Looks alright from picture. anyone got a pic on just thee cranks?
  25. TomN

    Oh Noes

    You don't have to run vee's just get some evo mounts and off you go.
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