Makes sense then. I thought you meant 2x 10kgs and 2x 2.5kg with the bar haha.
Well some say you can see results in 2 weeks, if you take steroids and hit it hard in the gym.
It's like people think you take the stuff and you'll get huge and in shape. Na sorry hard work still needs to be put in probably even more effort and since you'll be blasting out the workouts so you need to eat more and that. Similar to people drinking protein shakes thinking they'll be "ripped' without putting the effort.
Youtube Steroids, I think you'll change your perception on the stuff. I know I have. I haven't taken any yet though but it has crossed my mind. But when I look at my result/body, I think I'm doing quite good without the stuff. Plus I'm looking into powerlifting for my weight which you'll get drug tested so I wanna do that first before trying anything out.