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Jamie East

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Everything posted by Jamie East

  1. ^^ I agree, if you take all of them out at once it could get a little fiddly trying to relace and figuring out the lacing pattern n all that shiz. Confuses me anyway! But werent you thinking of getting a new hub aswell? If you do, replace the nipples then. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone as they say. Good to see u validated m8!
  2. Thats what id like, too expensive though
  3. Hi all, recenetly I havent been getting on with my front maggy, due to the stupidly loud honk everytime i touch the lever! So im now looking to get a front disc, but dont really know which one to get. So what do people reccommend, looking for something that offers good modulation, but still has power. Currently have my eyes on the Hope mini and Louise FR, but wondered what else is out there. But are there other disc brakes out there suitable for trials? (would prefer hydraulic) Avid juicy's, Hayes, Formula, Shimano etc. anything considered. Thanks
  4. Yeh me + Sav will defo b there, that makes 3 of us!! Weather should b allrite, just cold n dark. Nath, wat bout ur cousin, is he coming out?
  5. Me n my mate will b there. Weathers lookin ok as well 4 a change
  6. Hopefully i'll hav my bike(s) by then, if so ill defo b out Jamie Edit: Just realised its a thursday too, lectures in the morn, but may pop out for a quick evening session, about 4 ish.
  7. Wana come, not sure bout 'riding the hell outta it' Probly end up injuring myself! lol Only prob, gettin there, i'll hav a look at train times n such n get bk to u. (hav to get a bus then two trains to get there!) Jamie
  8. Was thinkin of goin down lowestoft some time this week, just for a few hours of riding. Any locals wana show me the good spots. Free any day, so yeh give me a shout Jamie
  9. +1 He may have pissed a few people off in the past, but not everyone. Just seems that everyones ganging up on him, because of a few mistakes. Surely you can put it behind u? Cant we all be friends?
  10. Another one for quantity other qaulity! Can add 'ies' to the end? Mayb? White: Bleach Pure Albino Chalky Milky Pearl Clean Space Void Blizzard Ice Snowstorm Simple Classic Crystal Fresh Vigin Thesaurs came up with this one! Lily Fog Storm Yellow: Electric Bannanas Glow (glowies) Gold Fire Blaze Shine Phoenix Inferno Spirit Submarine! (So bad its good!) Regards Jamie Edit: Been beaten to a few
  11. Hi, Thats what i was worried about, i wouldnt leave it in the bike sheds. Im stayin in Bateson hall, so mite be able to get my bike in. Just need someone with a house down there.. U still at uni?
  12. Hi, im starting in a few weeks! Is there anywhere to keep my bike (safe)? As i want to bring my echo, but worried about his safety! I'll defo join the trials club when im down there. Jamie
  13. Hi, I'll be up for a ride in Lowestoft sometime, ive only just started, so mite be better as ive heard theres smaller stuff down there. Just have to wait for this bloody rain to stop! Jamie
  14. Pulled my lever to bits today, n have no idea whats going on inside! I think the tpa may have sheared off? Im guessin the two parts on the left of the picture should join together? Think its the bit that the tpa screw threads onto has broke. Heres a pic, i've looked at the wiki, but this just talks about replaceing the thread bit?! Anyone know where i can get a new tpa kit from, or have any? Thanks Jamie
  15. Excellent Many thanks If not i'll pm Todge Thanks for the quick replies guys I mite finally be able to have a back brake!
  16. Hi, I am wanting to put a rear maggy/V on my saracen mad, but it doesnt have v brake mounts. It looks like the V mount can be screwed into the frame, but i have no idea where i can get the screw inpart (the sticky out bit). Tried the search, but nothing has come up. Any help would be much appreciated. If that makes no sense, maybe the pic will make more sense! Thanks
  17. Pads: Phat Time used: 2-3 months Rim: Try-all Grind: yes Brake used: Magura HS33, CNC lever, oil bleed, CNC backing. Other pads used: magura swiss tops, heatsink blues and reds, neco yellow. Opinion of a working brake: Instant bite and lock, no modulation. Review: Brought these pads second hand, even then still a good amount of pad left. First used on a smooth rim, quite good but not too impressive, but with a light grind they really came alive! For a start they're LOUD! They instantly lock on both front n back, n hold very well. Fantastic pads, with a huge amount of material for a long life, would completely recommended. Thanks Jamie
  18. I've also got a kmc 710 on a rear mech. As said already, you could put washers either side of the jockey wheel, but however i just removed one of the cages, then used a bolt to tighten it up. Seems fine, nothing has bent yet, and it saves some weight!
  19. Sorry mate, but you can't sell as a new member, have to get validated first.
  20. Ha Sounds like my parents, they just dont understand the whole 'no seat' thing. My parents dont really support me, i pay for everything myself. If i want to spend all my money on my bike, why not? Sure i'll lose money when i sell it, but it'll give me a few years of fun and enmjoyment. I could my money on much worse things.
  21. Hi Kurtis Welcome to the forum Only 10! Wish i'd started that early, should learn pretty quick at your age. Keep up the riding. Jamie
  22. You need to upload your photo to either PHOTOBUCKET or PINKBIKE, then just copy the picture URL and paste it in the comment. Easy as that Jamie
  23. Hi Jake Welcome to the Forum Nice vid, some nice moves there, much better than me! Keep up the good work. Jamie
  24. Hi Joe, By P2 do you mean the Specialized P2? If so i wouldnt reccommend it for trials as at is primarily a dirt jump/street bike, but could also be used for trials, although the suspension may cause a problem (increased weight and less connection/feeling with the ground). Also the frame is quite heavy (depends whether you have the cromo or alu one). Not sure about the ZHI, as i have no personal experience of them, theres one for sale in AustraliaHERE Have a look and see what you think, the frames look pretty nice. About wheel size, depends what youve ridden before if youre used to 26inch then stick with it, as the change would be very different. There are no real advantages to either. 20 inch lighter, smaller, more flickerable, cheaper (only slightly), easier to learn 26 inch more parts/frames to choose from, more practicle/useable (with a seatpost), easier to roll over objects. I ride a 26 inch, and would highly reccommend it.
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