Hiya Alex, im in the club, meet you last week in Pompey (riding an Echo Control). Membership has gone way up this year, but as you said it does cover other clubs aswell, things like surfing, rock climbing and pretty much any other sport. So if you want to join more than one, it will be worth it. If you ride any other disciplines, DH/XC/Dirt jumping etc.. then its worth it, as there will be organised trips to trails/jumps which will be heavily subsidised, so if you go on a couple of these it'll pay off. However if you just want to ride trials then i wouldnt reccommend it, the uni will pay towards competition costs (entry/travel) so if youre thinking of doing the Hampshire comps, might be worth a thought. If money isnt an issue, then its just a chance to meet like minded people and have fun. Even if you dont become a member, youre obvouisly still welcome to come to any rides. (should be riding every wednesday, as everyone has the afternoon off, and probaly the morning off if youre lucky!) Jamie