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Everything posted by grant_hundley

  1. Aparently going to rain. I'd also have to leave early ish.. Have a good ride guys
  2. I broke the 2 year old axle. Got it replaced for free as well. And you 'broke' it, but it got fixed by me stretching the spring.. You hardly broke it you pussy. But that's not the point... He thought Neil broke his when he didn't So he still hasn't seen a broken king
  3. His wasn't broken, it just had a bit of dirt inside.. Ever wondered why you are in NMC?
  4. Got msn? play it with me on there tic-tac-toe is getting proper intense now... He resigned, I won. Yay
  5. I have a squire strat if you're interested in buying second hand...
  6. If one pad is rubbing you need to put more tension on the vee arm on that side. They'll be a bolt that you screw in putting more tension on the arm. to set it up you just have to put the pad on the rim straightish, pull the lever and tighten the pad up. Also, you have to try and get the arms to be as parallel as possible to the rim (when the brake is pulled) to make it feel and work best.
  7. I removed knobs off my tires and saved weight and improved grip... What's the downside to it? Please fully explain your answer aswell
  8. yuppp, I might also be driving by then..... But won't be 18 till 29th march
  9. I blame Hannah. Does it glow in the dark?
  10. You're not nicking my food though.
  11. I can't see he willy in your name? You bum him anal? What if you want to bum him blowjob?
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