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Everything posted by grant_hundley

  1. I always thought he was in his 20's Happy birthday anyway
  2. 1 report is enough..... Otherwise mods/admins are going to get hundreds of reports.
  3. Theres a few of us in Worcester. I'll pm you my number.
  4. But weren't actually released where they? I thought they were made by Monty but never got round to selling them..
  5. Dan, you forgot to change the pic in the other thread..... And I have the keys to tartybikes.
  6. How? Were you trying to drop to both, or happened by accident?
  7. Then you obviously don't know what a working brake is. Plaz in wet just don't work.
  8. But then they'll come downstairs with your willy out for 50p an hour. How are you going to get into bed?
  9. So, you're making.... Trousers, a shirt, a tie and a jacket, all out of towels?
  10. So when you ask his parents for all the tea towels in the house, what's your answer going to be?
  11. Build new stairs out of towels. Edit: use the 5 tea towels to cushion each stair, so it won't make much noise
  12. I think normal towels should be allowed now.. Edit: shut up about your penis.
  13. Please don't offer to rent out your penis for 50p an hour again.
  14. Why would you ask if we wanted to see that....
  15. Get loads of safety pins aswell and make it into a proper jacket!
  16. trials forum has never been so funny.... You gotta have tea towells, Tris. Only tea towells.
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