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Everything posted by grant_hundley

  1. and is also 4 letters.... It's what you're guna need to get past any of these puzzles lol
  2. q highlight for the answer.. well a clue
  3. I'm stuck already Edit: aha level 2 Edit2: I'm stuck on level 2
  4. Yeah I do, but really.. It's just a sidehop. We know he can sidehop high, why post one that's slightly higher? Looks pretty much same height as he did in his latest video, not as if its that easy to tell its an inch higher. Edit: what the fook is jacked?
  5. Well done, you sidehopped a bit bigger than you could before.
  6. Well fatmike and Nick manning use the frames...
  7. Just me and Dan at the moment... Anyone else out riding?
  8. If I can ride in the wet, then I can ride better in dry.. Teaches you to find grip, rather than rely on your set up. And why not? Just because I'd get a bit wet? You're afraid of rain..?
  9. The new diamondback ones aren't being sold yet. You might get an ok one for £400, nothing special though..
  10. Shame some people already have it..
  11. grant_hundley

    Jmc Clips

    his arms are the size of my thighs...
  12. grant_hundley


    Well there wasn't any signs of damage to below the unbuilt booster, so it must be a manufacturing defect. Tarty always replace my cracked forks etc...
  13. grant_hundley


    I saw the frame myself, it wasn't abused. It had 1 or 2 dents, not overly scratched. Yeah it had been drilled, but that was by Simpson after the frame had already bent. The frame was also cracked which should be covered by warranty anyway.. Edit: Was on about Jack's KO..
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