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Everything posted by grant_hundley

  1. I've always thought about sitting back then pushing forwards on the pedals and pulling the bars a bit... But I can't manual very well at all..
  2. Onza zoot? http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=300 Seem to be alright to learn on. The frame has pretty nice geo (similar to inspireds). Once you get better you might want to start changing the spec around. Personally I'd change the rear hub first to something such as a Hope pro2. But the standard spec will be perfect for a beginner as you won't put as much stress on the bike You also get some free bits off tarty if you buy the Zoot from them
  3. Coke Pepsi tastes too watery.. But I would drink either
  4. I sent something last thursday and it still hasn't arrived... It might just be delays because of christmas getting close maybe?
  5. Awesome Gotta ride oxford again some time
  6. New frame has 73mm bb shell so can't use my echo external bb anymore. I need a really strong bb, with decent bearings. But not silly price like the SKF BFR-600 costing £60. Had a Truvativ giga pipe in the past and it seemed alright, but I wasn't half much of a basher when I had one. Was also thinking of the cheaper SKF bb, the BFR-300. It's £5 more than a giga pipe, are the bearings any better or is the axle any stronger? Don't want anything like an echo internal or try-all etc, just don't trust them. Advice please Pm me if you have an skf or giga pipe you'd sell cheers.
  7. Plaz pads If you go into the pad review section and scroll down, there's a little box to search through that thread with... So just type in smooth or something into that little box in the pad review thread
  8. Inspireds don't ride like they have +35 bb rise... Also, Steve has said he's tried it and noticed a difference. That's from personal experience rather than just thinking about it..
  9. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...;category_id=70
  10. Pads will wear quicker too though.. Not too sure how the pad size would affect performance.. bit confused to be honest Kinda just think bigger pad = more power. But if you press a pencil into your hand it won't press in half as much as a pin would, so I guess with a smaller pad the pressure will be increased? Confused... Probably wrong
  11. Might be around for this ride, might be going elsewhere though..
  12. Aren't the pads bigger on the bb7?
  13. Because they don't like any other sport being better..
  14. grant_hundley

    Jmc Clips

    I didn't think I'm skinny lol, I thought I was getting a bit chubby
  15. They aren't that hard to snap.... I've snapped one in a frame before, didn't even put much pressure on it.
  16. I'm using singlespeed king, which is around 350 grams I think. Dx32 rim. Pretty light and very very strong, weighed mine to be around 730 grams. Then if you drill it you could get it down to about 650 grams. Big betty rear tire, really really light. Mines 803 grams but thats with knobs cut off the tire and it's fairly worn. Normal tube aswell no need for a super heavy DH tube.
  17. Why aren't there any mods with +10 bb rise then?
  18. Yeah I understand he is an amazing rider, does some of the biggest stuff in the world. But it's just a sidehop.. Every single video he sidehops an inch or so bigger. What's so amazing about going 1 inch bigger? If someone was doing some drops on a ride, and was going inch bigger each time, they'd get laughed big time. But sidehops are an exception. If I posted a video, I'd like bad responses too. Would give me something to work on. The majority though like making video's with most the clips being of sidehops. I have no disrespect for TGS riders, I consider myself one. But TGS doesn't just have to be a big sidehop and a big gap and a big tap. It can be many things linked together making something creative and interesting. I don't mean do some 360's and bar spins btw. What is anyone going to prove by commenting then? If they say 'yeah thats really high, impressive' or whatever, it doesn't really prove anything to Damon, he already knows its big. Why should we have to always 'decode' what an english person is saying. If he was at college/uni, do you think he'd spell like that in an essay. Then when his teacher asks what the f**k does it say he could just say 'my friends can decode it, so you can too'? Edit: Obviously anything I say won't make a difference, so I'm not replying to whatever you say now. Cya.
  19. My koxx browns on a month old medium grind are awesome. What set up are you using? Grind?
  20. English people use spaces and can spell. Really, why is everyone bumming him so much? It's an inch bigger for f**ks sake. Yeah it's an amazing height, but we already knew he could do it. We already knew he goes big.. What's so amazing about this sidehop compared to his previous highest?? What's new about it? Things like that post and this topic just make me think that Damon likes to have peoples tongues up his arse.
  21. Anarragant? That's a new one. If I'm an anarragant twat then you're just a shwo oof.
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