Yeah I understand he is an amazing rider, does some of the biggest stuff in the world. But it's just a sidehop.. Every single video he sidehops an inch or so bigger. What's so amazing about going 1 inch bigger? If someone was doing some drops on a ride, and was going inch bigger each time, they'd get laughed big time. But sidehops are an exception. If I posted a video, I'd like bad responses too. Would give me something to work on. The majority though like making video's with most the clips being of sidehops. I have no disrespect for TGS riders, I consider myself one. But TGS doesn't just have to be a big sidehop and a big gap and a big tap. It can be many things linked together making something creative and interesting. I don't mean do some 360's and bar spins btw. What is anyone going to prove by commenting then? If they say 'yeah thats really high, impressive' or whatever, it doesn't really prove anything to Damon, he already knows its big. Why should we have to always 'decode' what an english person is saying. If he was at college/uni, do you think he'd spell like that in an essay. Then when his teacher asks what the f**k does it say he could just say 'my friends can decode it, so you can too'? Edit: Obviously anything I say won't make a difference, so I'm not replying to whatever you say now. Cya.