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Everything posted by grant_hundley

  1. I reckon that brake should be alright for trials, especially as his profile says he's on a 24".. What's the rotor size? maybe it's a bit small...
  2. Or maybe you should accept... You do look like emo's lol.
  3. Nice bike, shame about the frame though... Weak and horrible geometry.
  4. Awww I was going to make a pure TGS vid, slow mo.. black and white.. on/off sidehops.....
  5. Yeah I have seen it.. Have you ever seen spiderman? See where I'm going? It's made up. They will keep going back to cause trouble with you if you act scared. If they're scared of you then they won't do anything. Edit: by the way, I refer to chavs as pikeys...
  6. Sound like an emo to me I'm afraid.
  7. I never have problems with pikeys..... And it's not as if Worcester hasn't got many. Just stand up to them if they start anything, if they square up to you just smack 'em on the nose haha I'm sure they'll leave you alone then.
  8. Or maybe he just didn't agree with you?
  9. Shaun you're more emo than they will ever be Only joking
  10. The bearings in the gigapipes aren't meant to be amazing though..
  11. You really do think that 'trials' is just pure TGS don't you...
  12. Possibly. How long exactly have these people been waiting? If it's a week then I think Abdab's not to blame yet.. If it's a few weeks then yeah fair enough it might be his fault. Can't really be bothered to look through the topic He does sound like he's being a dick about keeping in contact.
  13. Maybe that's why... Grind's are just so much better. Your brake will work in wet and pads can be harder which means you don't have a mushy brake
  14. Ahhhh so that's why you wear skinny jeans?
  15. Ha, was that Reinold on drugs? Only joking... Second wierd vid with Ben in talking to a crazy guy..
  16. Pretty sure they have steel steerer, which is always thin and perfectly strong
  17. If you mean the echo externals, I can't run them now because my frame has 73mm bb shell. Think I might just get the giga pipe as I have to order some stuff from tarty anyway
  18. Yeah they really are perfect beginner bikes. They aren't amazing.. Tend to be a tad heavy (the cheaper ones) and not that strong. When I first started I had an Onza t-rex, loved it. Didn't need to change anything on it for 4 months or so, even then I could have gone on with the standard spec, I just wanted something new
  19. For the price, Onza will always be best in my opinion.
  20. I've always used just tap water Is it nicer to use salty water?
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