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Everything posted by grant_hundley

  1. Guna be a bit late Might be out at 2 ish..... Edit: maybe half 2 ish Edit 2: ok maybe not at all then. Edit 3:
  2. Might be there with Matt burrows, if he's not going, I'll get there at 11:20 See all you looosers tommorow
  3. Which such a light gear! I ran that on my stock...
  4. He's on a mod. Jack, what do you get? His post wasn't relevant to you...
  5. Silly little questions every ten minutes that could all be put in one thread, but you have to make lots of topics... And there isn't a correct answer to any of them.
  6. You're a typical new member aren't you? It's down to preference, but most use 12t.
  7. You must either 1) have a awefull tube 2) have something in your tire? spokes poking through? 3) you are the harshest person riding trials or 4) your pump gauge is over reading, and says you have 20 in when you only have 10.
  8. What psi do you run? I'm 12 and half stone and use 20 ish, bit less usually. (on stock that is.)
  9. If you're fed up with pinches... Pump your tire up more Is that too hard to think of yourself?
  10. If you actually preloaded then you'd be so much better... But I'm guessing you're pretty young, you seem half decent Once you get a good technique, I think you could be quite a good rider..
  11. 'Cause you're Mark King ofcourse..
  12. http://www.websiteoutlook.com/www.selectbikes.co.uk
  13. But stretching the spring should only really be done if your king is fooked.. Even then it isn't the most sensible of things to do, but it doesn't cost anything.
  14. So does this mean police WILL do something about people not sending out stuff? Might have to give them a call if Chris Page doesn't send me my £30 that he's owed me for nearly 3 months.........
  15. Yeah I do agree it isn't worth the risk. I've done it to 3 kings now aswell, all been fine I do think that if you've tried everything to stop your king from skipping, that stretching the spring slightly can solve the problem. I only did mine 'cause I liked the sound at the time and I just kinda got carried away.
  16. I honestly think that the Kings with problems are ones that havn't been properly bedded in and havn't had the thick lube taken out and cleaned the internals. Oh and Anal, I've stretched the spring in mine (a silly ammount) it was about 4 or 5 inches in length. It hasn't skipped in the time I've had it (with the spring stretched). It did although, skip when it wasn't stretched, a lot.
  17. Me Shaun Owen Some others that I've forgotten, if Kyle isn't going anywhere I'd imagine he'd be out with Wayne. Probably about 8 riders or so, just can't remember any
  18. Is your bike a goth? Get some colour on it
  19. http://uk.weather.com/weather/tomorrow-Birmingham-UKXX0018 :D :D
  20. Disc brake cleaner would be much better, even on rims Degreases the rim
  21. So to get rid of all the oil, you use an oil based liquid????? Yeah and you'll have more problems with a disc if the wheel goes out of line.. You got snail cams on there yeah? If you havn't, get some and thats one problem sorted. Cleans the shite off all the pistons and re bleed it with water. Set up your brake and it should all be sorted Where on the lever do you break it? Is it a Hs33?
  22. I run 15-20 and I'm much more of a basher
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