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Everything posted by Aaron.Tottman

  1. the maxxis dh is 463g and 5mm thick. the free ride tube is 7mm so yeah 1200g does look abit much! prob more like 550g at a guess.
  2. Really enjoyed myself. just got bk. really burnt. shoulders n ankle are quite painful. Had two quite funny bails, snapped my bars, pop the crossover.........yeah it was a good day!!! And cheers to nick for the new bars.
  3. I'll be leaving in about 7 hours, still got lots to sort out, lol! Be cool to meet some new people! See yall there!
  4. That looks lovely. I need a stem that tall on mine me thinks!
  5. ha!!! i rode alot of other bikes (styles) in the past, just jumping, bunny hoping over stuff. (mostly ona bmx) trials was quite easy to get the basics after having say 4 years riding other stuff under my belt. mostly side hopping curbs. doing stupid bunny hops over little stuff.
  6. the dh tube are stupid thick, don't pinch as easy. only down fall they're stupid heavy. the freeride maxxis tube i'm usin's like 1200g i think!!!
  7. dats cool. see you there! I've been after this info for a while.....anyone thought of contacting the sports centre? i'd do it myself but no way of calling them!!! chances are by now they're all fully booked with all the other comps going on. I know every other camp sight is.....there are spaces left at the one i'm @. Bramble Hill Camping. but like i say it's nearly 7miles from the comp! all one long road mind you. either that or find a b+b.
  8. cool vid, enjoyed it but i found two problems. for the vid comp it needs to be 1 min long and have a 10 second line...didn't have either!
  9. no,no, i wouldn't mind staying longer, people i'm camping with (over bramble hill camp sight) need to bk for bout's then. good luck mate. unless some one knows bout camping on the grounds????? other than that nearly every camp sight local to the comp was fully booked bout two weeks ago. the one i got is nearly 7 miles away. nice harm up ride on the way!!!lol
  10. lovin your front wheel moves....sooo smooth. fair play your can chuck that bike around!!!
  11. coming defo', competing hopfully. me ankle still kinda weak!!! i'll be there saturday till monday, pitty gotta leave monday to bk to gloster for 4pm.....unless some one can give me a lift bk monday afternoon, (lookin at you eskimo?lol) if not all good! got my entry in the post!!!
  12. Larry! lol.....did have my heart set on competing, I'm still going either way!!!
  13. love your vids steve. so creative!!! the yaabaa suits you! don't think it's your best vid by far though.
  14. WHAT A MONSTER...and sooooooooooo smooth. had to watch that twice. super good!
  15. well done mate. only reason i ride trials. that feeling of accomplishment is the best feeling ever i recon. hands down!!!
  16. I'm kinda conserned? I can't quite afford the entry till like next thursday and REALLY want to compete!!! can i send the form in (or even e-mail) and pay on the day? any one??? any @all?
  17. took the words out my mouth!
  18. fair play dude. you got guts. that first drop looked scetchy as!!! little too much slowmo for me.
  19. using echo hifi's @ mo. very sexy, very stiff. (disc only though) trialtech's sooooooo much better!!!!
  20. look bout the same as my t-pro. i got this in '99 second hand for £120..(not inc maggies) lovely bikes to ride!!! yours looks in much better nic'.
  21. pics? if it's mint...£70-£100. what i'd pay for one! take off bout £40-£60 per year it is old if it's mint.
  22. wasn't the last one in exeter? I think PARTZ has a vid of the last one as well!
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