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Everything posted by Aaron.Tottman

  1. you want spinny moves, try ryan leach on you tube. try mixing endos, back wheel 180's into hop ups or leading up to the hops. front wheel 180's on skinnys feel great to do and look sh*t hot. I take alot of my insiraton from BMX. you want spinny moves try some flat-land stuff. hope this helps!!!
  2. I'd go for strength over weight any day
  3. no. he just needs some peddles that are at leased as wide as his feet. sh*ty onza peddles. geeeeerrrr
  4. I think mixing riding styles is great. riding trials back in the day of saddles there was only really the one style of riding. now it's so varied, it's great!!! I've always loved BMX. BMX and trials go so well together. Trials along with BMX give you more room to be indevidual. Trials is Great!!!
  5. I think I've seen him pull bout 5or6. it's funny to watch him ride. just ragging it at everything!!! lol! bunny hopping up like 3 foot, but can only drop a foot. but he's started wheelieing of things insted of hopping resently and aint doing to bad. it's spineshank for the first vid and trivium on the second. get so much of a rush from metal, puts you in just the right mind set to push youself.
  6. Just thought I'd put these two on the forum and see what people think. It's my mate graham, saw him jumping of stuff (you'll see what i mean) and thought i'd let him have a go on my bike. he's never bunny-hopped a bike in his life and did really well on my T-Rex. A month later he gets a OnZa T-Bird. Let me know what you think. All views welcome!! Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  7. BB7 203mm all the way. cheap, strong and so easy to service. keep those bearings greased well. my bb7 has locked up on me in the summer recently. one minute your ina stoppy then the next the floor wants to make friends with your face!
  8. I think theres nothing wrong with doing both. you can get more creative on the streets, but theres something bout riding stuff that wasn't build for you. i.e brick and mortar.
  9. Sorry for me just for doing what he does and been doing it for such a long time Chris akkrig i mean how many of you would ride trials brakeless!!!!!!!!!! or even ride as smooth. good quote from akkrig in MBUK 'the faster you try a line, the less time you have to f**k up!'
  10. started trials when i was 13 riding the really old OnZa T-Pro. did my back in and stopped riding. started again at age 21 and never looked back. i'm 24 in august
  11. I had to ride to my parents in forest of dean from gloucester, bout 17 miles ish. took me bout 4 n'a half hours. nice peddle imprint on the soul of my show after. but it's mostly downhill on way bk took bout 3 hour soooo much fun trials bikes at high speed.
  12. it's nice too ride. really long though!
  13. Hey, Only being the second time that I've been to Bristol meetng other riders. and I had the best time. Nice to ride with riders that you can learn from! Got some clips. Let me know what you think!!! Pos/Neg both welcome.... Youtube Video -> Original Video
  14. I've been learning trials by myself for bout 3years. but used to have more people local riding street. only one other guy i know ride trials local and he's out once ina blue moon. mostly meet people over bristol. week end just gone being the second time!
  15. the stuff is easy to over use i'll admit that but i've been using the stuff for nerly 11 years. wouldn't recomend it for ground rims.
  16. fair play. some very smooth riding there!!!!!

    nice one!

    keep it up!

    the gu looks nice thinking bout getting one!

  17. I had some really sh*ty forks on my T-Rex for a while tryed some dirt/park with them on there. silly really
  18. get some monty bike spray. it's like tar ina can and lasts loads longer than tar. well worth it! http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...p;category_id=5
  19. yep had my bulb for bout 3 years now and the same thing has happend to me 7 or 8 times now. sorry no warrenty 'cos your using it for trials use. send it to hope and they'll replace the rachet ring for you. it's bout 15quid unless they feel the need to replace bearings n bushs then it's bout 30quid. inc' p+p of course HOPE that was some help
  20. monty been making trials bikes for over 30 years!!!! no coment!!!
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