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Everything posted by Aaron.Tottman

  1. insperational. tried in the past to try moves with my eyes closed, it's ballsy but, it works. you learn to feel the obstical rather than eye it up. you deserve a sponcer or two. respect!!!!!! and lots of it!!!
  2. Aaron.Tottman


    it works really well.
  3. you know i was talking bout this to my missus the other day. maybe we should just flood them with applications of trials riders they'll have no choice but to reconise trials in all it's glory. or just to bother them.
  4. hey cheers guys, i'll be putting it on to the forum now.
  5. yep echo hifi. i got a helmet that i'm borrowing but i feel like a tit wearing it. i want to get a tsg or a bmx'y lid. cheers for the views and comments.
  6. hey guys, new vid, last of the year. took everyones advise from the last vid, some clips on old t-pro and t-rex when i was getting back into trials after like 6years or some thing stupid! see what you think 'n' let me know. cheers guys Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  7. hey guys, new vid, last of the year. took everyones advise from the last vid, some clips on old t-pro and t-rex when i was getting back into trials after 6years or some thing stupid! see what you think 'n' let me know. cheers guys Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  8. dmr's will stay smoother for longer, i find the injection point for the grease on the dmr's saves so much time. stops them from spinning so much when you slip of them. if you ain't too bothered bout servicing go for the welgo's. i'd go for dmr though.
  9. stay away from fsa!!! hope or echo for me. i'm running echo internal and it's run strong for 3years.
  10. blues my fav' colour. looks dull on bikes. red only goes well with other colours, black, gold. green goes with any thing i recon
  11. I agree with Ali C. BMX dose so much for you riding lets alone your upper body and upper legs. i use smallish weights (bout 10kg) as a warm-up before i ride, start riding with small bouncy moves moving onto bigger spinny moves. start with what you know then push your bounderies.
  12. his style is untouch by anyone and has been for years!!! me fave quote from him "the faster you do something, the less time you have to f*ck it up."
  13. if they'll go £350 wicked. if not £400 is still a steal.
  14. DT are fantastic. no probs what so ever. sapim are lighter, spokes sh*t hot but their nips round easily. i'm using sapim rear and DT front.
  15. can't beat monty's love 'em. welcome to TF. how long you been riding?
  16. i've riden both in the past, i ride stock at the mo i'm bout 6foot1ish but long mod bikes are soooooooooo much fun!!!
  17. i do miss the old days. nothing wrong with running gears. running a single sprocket is stronger i ripped quite afew cassetts appart. hg-50 cassette has a great range but if you can get hold of an echo cassette it's every ratio. best padds i've used do far are koxx bloxx (broun). been using them for just over 3 months and to even half way yet ( i will ride at least a hour a day.) old skool is basis of any sport!!!! hands down!!!
  18. trackstand, lock yer rear brake, put all yer weight onyour forward peddle keeping chain tention, compress your legs, leen the way you want to hop, let go of the brake and throw youself up and the way you want to hop, pull the bars to your hips and then up while tucking yer legs. landing on the front wheel is easier for me but limits your height in the hop. if all that is abit much to think about (it took me a while to get right) lock both brakes and just chuck yourself. learn to bunnyhop properly. the timing in the bar movment and the legs tucking are really important.
  19. you man defo' learn't a fair bit from everyone. bloody good ride!!!! nice one!
  20. i was talking to the uk megamo/koxx importer when i was working for halfords and he said ''if you rip the ratchet in the back wheel 8time out of 10 you'll need to change the wheel.'' ''ona trial it's more veasable to carry a spair free-wheel over carrying a spair wheel'' ''engagment is almost instent when it dose so at the cranks'' and you also weight dis'
  21. good roofers should just give you some if not then try and catch a site were their repairing the road, adding speed bumps ect.. and just ask'em for some. they always have ofcuts.
  22. control your breathing (slow, deep breaths) keep your adrenaline down, think about what your going to and do not what could go wrong!!!! see how smooth you can get on smaller stuff and take it on the bigger stuff. the more often you do something , the more it becomes second-nature.
  23. hey guys ok for one more to tag along??? pm me or some thing.. sound AaRoN
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