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Everything posted by Aaron.Tottman

  1. i have problems with my left knee and wrist. chipped my knee when i was15. shattered my wrist when i was 18. had a disc prolaps when i was 21 and that still gives my gip! my solution: lots of FISH and MILK. with multi vitamins. don't just jump 'into the saddle?' as it were, like any exercise warm up first. hopping up steps, lots of endos on the spot ect...
  2. Maxxis Minion FRONT 2.35. one of the best treds out there.
  3. tryall are really good rims but only take so much bashing. i've had my echo rear (stock) for bout 7 months now and ain't budged. hold grinds well.
  4. Sweet. keep it up dude! you make you vids longer:)
  5. cool, making them gaps look easy!
  6. cheers man. with hooks as well....using the brakes in the move. i don't tend to use the rear brake, keep momentum. is it the same with the rear?
  7. you bb hight is bout 45+ isn't it? i recon 120-140mm 15'+ the second from biggest echo hifi stem. 130mm-15'
  8. should run great! tensile runs on reverse thred. it's designed for cranks.
  9. one of what? what the hifi. not highly rated then. been of it bout 7 weeks. see how it goes. no one got any advise on hooks or taps then. moves are hard to learn by your self!!!
  10. should work but the thred on the free wheel will be reversed when you put it onto the cranks and might come loose when riding!!! did that once on my old t-pro. i'd get a tensile free wheel (or something similar) with a reversed thred.
  11. i'm 6footish ruff spec of bike echo hifi 1085wheel base, +55 bb, 120mm 17' stem?
  12. got the bike back on the road two days ago and any time I go for higher hops 42inch+ my forward knee (i'm right footed) catchs me in the chest, wich kinda stops the bike dead. more common i find hopping to back wheel. i can see from good rider vids (ben travis, damon w ect..) that you'll compress either side of the bike to avoid this, i've tried but it throws my ballence of landing. Any tips??? i'll hop to two wheels to the left but only resently learnt to do so and to the right i'll hop up to front wheel. p.s. if anyone could give me some practice tips on front-taps n hooks, i kinda get the tech to do it, it's just putting it into practice? i've allready checked trashzen, biketrials and other places with descriptions on how the moves done but never anything on techs you need to do the move if you know what i mean. cheers AaRoN:)
  13. shorter, lower bike they don't feel to bad. good for natural. anythiing 30+ bb feels like it pressing your shoulders together. but i love my ZOO! risers, they feel like flats tilted right forward! i'll have mine 45degree'ish most the time.
  14. i thought uni-trials was hard enough but flat land? before seeing ithe video i couldn't think what he could be doing? this just blew me away!!! check this out! Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  15. Aaron.Tottman


    Lots of 'ooooohhhhhhhs' and 'aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhs' love it!!! Youtube Video -> Original Video
  16. that was cool. got some good lines going round there!!
  17. that just madness.lol. tried riding when my wrist broke, never did set right. insaine vid!!
  18. music was abit fair play that gap at the end. you wanna pump your tyres a little and bunny hop more. you could clearly hop higher than your sidehoppin'!!! nice one:)
  19. that was wickid!!! have to watch it 2/3 times though. too short!
  20. cheers man. Glad it turned out ok. my camera's just a 6MP gibber don't work that well in the dark. much appriciated mate. i take it you mean the bear suit. i had people asking me why i was carrying a teddy around. she was soooo small. WHO'S THE DADDY!!! wanted to say it for years!
  21. Aaron.Tottman


    that was cool. the adaments look really nice to ride...i miss lower bb's:(
  22. who puts t.b.c on their vid's. ridng and music went together well. enjoyed that.
  23. guttsy bail. don't mind riding in the winter. wind p**s's me off more.
  24. that was cool. nice to see some veriety in your vid.
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