as long as a bike is going over an obstical, (MTB, BMX, Full Sus, Moto) it's trials isn't it? brake or no brakes. thats the beauty bout trials, it's what you make of it. akrigg's style has always been about speed and aggression and it's one of my favorates. ''the faster you ride the less time you have to f**k up!'' the hole brakeless theary is a level of crosstraining, ''if it ain't there then you can't rely onit, you get used to not having it there, so when you do have it back, your a better rider from the experience.'' same with chainless riding. personaly i'd rather have no brakes than just the one. *When someone completes a natural section without any dabs, without brakes, then I will be impressed,* isn't that what he doesin brakeless 2. ok not competition but a natural line non the less! can't wait to see rowan's brakeless vid if he does one. complete opposite style to akrigg. slower more fluid riding. that's my little rant for the day.