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Everything posted by Aaron.Tottman

  1. Aaron.Tottman

    London 1stMarch09

    ?????????can't get over how many views?????????
  2. as long as a bike is going over an obstical, (MTB, BMX, Full Sus, Moto) it's trials isn't it? brake or no brakes. thats the beauty bout trials, it's what you make of it. akrigg's style has always been about speed and aggression and it's one of my favorates. ''the faster you ride the less time you have to f**k up!'' the hole brakeless theary is a level of crosstraining, ''if it ain't there then you can't rely onit, you get used to not having it there, so when you do have it back, your a better rider from the experience.'' same with chainless riding. personaly i'd rather have no brakes than just the one. *When someone completes a natural section without any dabs, without brakes, then I will be impressed,* isn't that what he doesin brakeless 2. ok not competition but a natural line non the less! can't wait to see rowan's brakeless vid if he does one. complete opposite style to akrigg. slower more fluid riding. that's my little rant for the day.
  3. nice control. love snow riding.
  4. PAINT THINNER AND ELBO GREACE!!!!! Either that or acid dip the frame?!?!?
  5. not for your self maybe, LOL, you monster!!!
  6. taking it appart is easy enough, putting it bk together is quite fidley. tarty will prob do the job alot quicker than hope will, but the amount hope have given me for free in the past. e.g. sent mine of to hope for basic service (paws, springs and bearings) £36. but they changed the freehub body and axel for nothing? asked them how much that would of been and it was like £10 for the axel and £15 for the body. nearly £60 worth of kit and service for £36 ain't bad!!! p.s. oh this was all ona hope bulb not PRO2 if that makes a difference!
  7. mono's like 24 clicks PRO2's 48 clicks. similar in strength, pro 2 much more responcive. my mates selling one on tryall rim, pm for details.
  8. that has to be the best mod vid i've seen. skinny hop-ups.....what!!! wicked!
  9. my maggie mounts, grey and black reversed. had them since i started trials. don't think i'll ever replace them!! third oldest would be my echo internal bb. prob the best part i ever got. 3 years old nearly and i think it's just started going. but the part i'm attached to is my red hope xc front hub, had two tryall rims built onit then sold it to a mate, he then sold it to vince, who built it up and sold it back to me a year later. sold the hub for £25, got it back built ona D521CD for £35.
  10. you good at those gaps, nice vid! thats only the second time i'd heard that tune, awsome stuff, love it.
  11. i did check that gap, ha no chance. that was big. porter's got balls.
  12. yes!!! my mate vince (he was on the koxx level boss, blue parks, gold LX lever) got lots of vids, mostly st pauls and that skate park. should be getting those on tomorrow.
  13. cheers walker. the croud loved him riders/public alike. f***in sic!!!
  14. nothing spectacular..........but here we go. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ils&id=1668
  15. Hey, Had so much fun at London (sorry for they whom couldn't attend). My camera broke after stupidly leaving it in my pocket whilest riding and bailing a side-hop. My vid should be on soon, it ain't much but I got the atmosphere (if thats spelt right?) in I think. To me that was the biggest part. Please comment and share what you have from the day, i'm sure that no-one saw everything!!! Edit: just loading vinces clips on u-tube. fair play to him he got some really nice clips, pitty it was all on his phone. Edit2: utube sh*t. put it on tf instead link below:) http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ils&id=1669 Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  16. heard bout that, Berriilliiaannt!!! oh my f***in christ............respect to everyone!!! Everyone I talk to was cool, riding was off the hook, I didn't really think of it as a ride. more like 5/6 different rides in one day. loved it. ribs are killing me though!!! Jack Meek will go down in history if this becomes a regular thing. So what you got planned for May then Jack? Burmingham Maybe?
  17. on the way now....BRING IT ON!!! see every one there!!! :) :)
  18. anyone know if there's a bike shop in the area? or if anyone has some spair grips? I'll be taking a maggie bleed kit and sh*t loads of cable ties.
  19. loved the build up to the vid, pitty it was wasn't longer!
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