sorry forgot to say, love the zoot!!! don't personaly like pink, but you it's nice and suttle. not too 'in your face, flourecent pink' if i had the money i'd buy a 24'' love 'em. ***no, i agree again if anything it should be ''Brakeless Street Trials'' if any context would do. Anyway...., have any of you 24" riders got any good tips for lachojski and middleageman's new Zoots? Such as equipment improvements, riding techniques or styles etc.? If it was me on the 24incher ''bunny hops'' would be the first thing that i would try and get dialed. see how high/smooth i can get them. then start adding 180's into moves, eg endos, bunny-hops ect... their the harder moves to nail i reckon if you got them down then the possibility's are endless. x-up's/tail taps/abubica's are always fun. sorry 24inch = street for me. shouldn't be that way though. 24inch and comps would go really well i rekon?! didn't the BIU start or was ona 'bout doing an ''Open Catagory'' any wheel size?!!? just to add. i do ride a BMX for trials once ina blue moon, track standing, wheel swaps, skinny's ect... never said i was any good at it???!?!? LOL:)