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Everything posted by Aaron.Tottman

  1. you know, i'd love to drive but most my money goes to my daughter. the rest food and bills. i think theres maybe 4 riders that i know in gloucester and eskimo is the only guy i know that rides on a regular and he lives like 20 mile away. Slammin vynal i.e Vince, lives bout a mile away but trials or MTB's in general just seem to be a gimic to him. he almost never rides.
  2. my girl friends noticed it recently, no drive t'ride no more!!! moved to a new area in gloucester just before x-mas and put it blunt there is almost nothing to ride. their's a skate park that i could fit in my living room, one slanty wall ona hill and a KFC with benches outside. everywere that has pallets put them ina warehouse after closing. now i thought gloucester centre was sh*t for riding but quedgeley takes the p**s. now glos' centre is bout 30/40mins ride away on the trials bike which means train staition is even longer it's actually starting to get me down to the point that was concidering selling the bike and giving up trials. this is the last thing that i want to do!.!.!.! any one else in my possition? what do you do get your self going? were do you seek your drive to ride? any help is appreciated. AaRoN
  3. looks.........um...........interesting. that'll be something to wait for.
  4. nice riding, love your bike. i'll be honest (some people might not agree.) for a 2.35min video there was only bout 1 mins riding. if it was me editing, i'd shorten the clips (take out the set-up moves i.e. bouncing on the front wheen for 8secs before the move.) other than that...impressive!!!
  5. ???????????????????????????????? ups the pressure though!!! just throwing out ideas?
  6. I'll see if i can get some people from my ways to come. if not i'll do the loner trip. AGAIN!!!LOL
  7. thats it pick a comp your nearly garanteed to win. LOL:)
  8. reversable lines? one way for one section, back the other way for the next section. save space? circlular objects are fun. part natural, part street sections? n'woods idea of muliple lines sound interesting. take the easy route, time penalty??!?!? on the speed trials, if you stop/trackstand, time penalty.
  9. wicked vid. pitty didn't see any side hops from the brakeless dude:(
  10. love your style dude. new frame suits you. sponcer well deserved.
  11. seeing more and more mod vids........mmmmmmmm. (do i get one, don't i) smooth riding.
  12. nice vid, luck your foot landed were it did, ouch. what bars were they?
  13. dany nearly smashing his face in?!?!?! really enjoyed that. nice one.
  14. +1 haven't used gloves after buying trialtech grips. best gloves i ever used were from raw-sports.co.uk. made for moto trials and come with or with out pading. lasted well over five years. either that or Hebo trial gloves from tartybikes. they ain't padded but the best for grip!!!
  15. safe. good to see your using the forum again!!!

  16. missed mr mac's gap at st.pauls, thats sic. lovely pics.
  17. that would make a really good ad for health insurance, lol. inspiring.
  18. so creative!!! mouth watering what handlebars are he using?
  19. sorry forgot to say, love the zoot!!! don't personaly like pink, but you it's nice and suttle. not too 'in your face, flourecent pink' if i had the money i'd buy a 24'' love 'em. ***no, i agree again if anything it should be ''Brakeless Street Trials'' if any context would do. Anyway...., have any of you 24" riders got any good tips for lachojski and middleageman's new Zoots? Such as equipment improvements, riding techniques or styles etc.? If it was me on the 24incher ''bunny hops'' would be the first thing that i would try and get dialed. see how high/smooth i can get them. then start adding 180's into moves, eg endos, bunny-hops ect... their the harder moves to nail i reckon if you got them down then the possibility's are endless. x-up's/tail taps/abubica's are always fun. sorry 24inch = street for me. shouldn't be that way though. 24inch and comps would go really well i rekon?! didn't the BIU start or was ona 'bout doing an ''Open Catagory'' any wheel size?!!? just to add. i do ride a BMX for trials once ina blue moon, track standing, wheel swaps, skinny's ect... never said i was any good at it???!?!? LOL:)
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