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Everything posted by Aaron.Tottman

  1. I ve had the same as every one else in broken bike parts. snapped frames, forks, chains, wheels folds, broken bones, cuts, catheters(?spelling?) ect... but the worst thing i have ever done while on my bike was take both set of house keys to bristol for a ride leaving the missus (with no money/keys/food) to walk nearly 15 miles to her parents place to get a spare set. oooops!!! :0( but you having a tube up the willy was quite bad too!!!
  2. BIG WOW. some of those gaps were huge!!! wish I could tap like him. Freakin fair play to him. how long he bin riding???
  3. awsome. there was more variaty there than in most TGS vids. ballzy stuff.
  4. Dedication....to the sport...your riding...to the company in question. a good personality won't go a miss. i'm guessing ofcause but it's what i would look for.
  5. some big riding there. you, the camera man did ny head in after the 20th yea!!! i agree bout the bike audio/noices.
  6. i've started tryin to ride out side of gloucester more, try do some natural for a while then hit the streets again?!?!?
  7. i like your thinking,i did think 1070 was abit over kill for what i want. looking around i don't think i'll go more than 1040! i'm really liking the looks of the A3 and the GU LE? but riden montys before and there great fun...i don't know, i think i need to test ride some bikes. what are the new onza's like?
  8. nothing till next week? what you got pm me! wow, that long! think i've riden his bike, if not it was a DOB. Bars/Stem? what about bb hight? any recomendations, i ain't got a clue when it comes to mods.
  9. In relation to my last topic, I've decided to buy a mod. I'll be buying from scrach so I'll buy the frame last. just wondered I'm bout 6'1, are there any other mod riders this tall and what your riding? or even what people would recomend? cheers AaRoN
  10. my front wheel. technicly cost me a fiver. hope xc on D521. going strong after 2years. sold the hub £25, bort it back built £35. still ow a fiver onit, lol.
  11. static will be so hard. i'm running 20/16 at the mo. just nice. still find it a little hard static. but only just getting used to it. but you, try 17, see how it goes. personal choice at end of day. (I used to run 20/19 in all of my vids 2008!!!!) i think danny mac uses 22/15?
  12. it was a long time cos they took so long to oporate onit. the saifoid is the ruit for blood to your hand and were the bone moved it cut off the blood supply and my wrist started to rot basicly. it was bout 5 months before i was on the bike properly again, but i had to have a bone graft to repair all the roten bone. lots of milk and ibuprofen.
  13. oh oh......don't, i've been craving a mod. seen far too many mod vids. but then i watch danny mac and then 24's calling me. if i did i don't think the missus like me for a while. what i need is a new frame. high bb's doing my headin. i want an adament. but i want don't get. (not strait away anyway.)
  14. fekin love it. great idea (although abit cheesy, but i love cheese) front wheel moves on the rocks were wicked, got style!
  15. oh yes!!! dodn't know how yet though?
  16. nice, how long you bin riding? you going to jack/andei's comp? reckon you'd do ok!
  17. mmmmmmmmm......you tryed riding and filming in the back garden and they really don't like squeaky maguras. trust this is a really quiet neighberhood!!!?spelling? i know what you mean though, the double sided benches at KFC are ok when the manager ain't there
  18. suport don't really work cos you bones start relying onit, i did the same thing but part of the scaifoid moved. i had to have a pinput through it. now movement is really restricted because i relyed ona support. my pysio said gental wrist excercise's. best thing you can do is exorcise your wrist, really light bumbell and just rotate your wrist slowly one way then back the other. if thats too painfull or you dont' have a bumbell. jam jar half full of water works just as well. question, was it you left hand? did similar thing bout 3 weeks back, practicly bent my foot in half. mostly soft tissue damage but doc said it should take bout 2 weeks to clear up, but then i have been riding on it. see mine hurts to walk on but somehow ok on the bike?!?!? when your at home (in the bath best) just move it lots, press on tiptoe for so long, wiggle your toes lots. elevate at night, which is the part that i strugle with.
  19. I will do. nice one. I will do. you on facebook often? talk soon. thats been me, gets so frustrating. cheers for the positive responces, really need to get out more this summer.
  20. hey, sex, fun, days out....is all VERY regular if thats what people are getting at. trials is different, you can only ride the same wall, push yourself so far for so long. cheeky focker, no complaints there!!! i am going to start doing bristol ona regular i think. take it your riding most days? can do. cheaper to go to bristol, ova a tenna to get to your ways. see what happens next week n i'll see what your up to. cheers man.
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