suport don't really work cos you bones start relying onit, i did the same thing but part of the scaifoid moved. i had to have a pinput through it. now movement is really restricted because i relyed ona support. my pysio said gental wrist excercise's. best thing you can do is exorcise your wrist, really light bumbell and just rotate your wrist slowly one way then back the other. if thats too painfull or you dont' have a bumbell. jam jar half full of water works just as well. question, was it you left hand? did similar thing bout 3 weeks back, practicly bent my foot in half. mostly soft tissue damage but doc said it should take bout 2 weeks to clear up, but then i have been riding on it. see mine hurts to walk on but somehow ok on the bike?!?!? when your at home (in the bath best) just move it lots, press on tiptoe for so long, wiggle your toes lots. elevate at night, which is the part that i strugle with.