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adam 94

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About adam 94

  • Birthday 11/19/1994

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Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Adam Falkingham
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Echo Lite 2009 frame with tryall bike kit and gilles coustellier coust pads!!!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    trials, guitar, music and stuff
  • Location

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adam 94's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. £380 for the ECHO and can come buy tomorrow :)?

  2. £380 for the ECHO and can come buy tomorrow :)?

  3. No worries then i will go for the GU.

  4. Your inbox was full soo

    Hi matey,

    I have £350 waiting if you would take that for your echo. I was going to buy the Gu mod thats an amazing spec on the forum but if you will go to £350 and match that i can transfere £140 into yourt paypal tonight and come meet you tomorrow to get the bike and pay a following £210? let me know :)

  5. Hey, Thought I might as well make a topic of what I'm doing now and for you people to see and check out my music etc. I'm working on a demo cd at the moment. Which I'll be sending off to record companies etc I have uploaded a slightly different version of one of my songs onto myspace and a cover of a song by City and Colour . If you could check out my Myspace page and "like" my facebook page. http://www.myspace.com/adamleemusician http://www.facebook.com/adamleemusician Cheers.
  6. Best video ive seen in a while, well done really good.. amazing riding, the editing was really good as well..
  7. Looks lush lukab! looks like you did a good job on the sprayin! Just get out and actully ride herr!!!
  8. And ive got miles worse!!! lolz, luke u stole my touch
  9. Luke it looks ok, but that bash ring is shocking!!
  10. Nice work mate youve improved alot bikes lovely..
  11. I like it rides somewhat good for howuch it weighs, but I agree upload the pictures!!!
  12. Sorry about my small riding i havent ridden for four or five months, just need to get good again..
  13. Really nice, looks like a koxx xtp2 at the back a bit, nicee
  14. Hi still got the t pro going for £35?

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