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About ellingtj

  • Birthday 03/12/1978

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  • Real Name
    Tim Ellingham
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Pashley 26Ghz
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bike Trials, Motor Sport, XC, Cars
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Whole bunch of us along the road in Swindon, don't know anyone in Bath though.
  2. Wow!!! Unreal, just when you think you've seen everything...
  3. FFS stop making everything look so easy, I've got low enough self esteem as it is....
  4. ellingtj


    Found these vids, liked them, no idea if repost?
  5. Where is this? it appears gravity has a lower value here....
  6. ellingtj

    Ali C Vlog

    Vlog 4, fantastic, some scary stuff in there. It's like being out riding (with much better riders) but from the comfort (safety) of the office chair. Must dust off the old seatless machine.
  7. ellingtj

    Ali C Vlog

    Yeah Ali, I'm a big fan of these vlogs, keep them coming, they make an interesting change to usual trials vids. Your delivery is calm yet still engaging, inspires this old boy to get out and ride.
  8. Nice tech riding Kev. I like the by-stander interest, some genuine surprise from some of them, nice to see an appreciation.
  9. Er wah, dah, erm, I have no words, unreal!
  10. For all those who remember Gav and what happened, I've just seen this article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2631297/Innocent-smoothie-makers-fined-80-000-worker-killed-metal-pipework-fell-hit-head.html Apologies if a repost etc. Tim.
  11. And now for some trials related trivia, former Pashley trials rider, Matt Tongue, is one of the lead design engineers at Norbar.
  12. Nope not too old, there are older guys starting out over on observedtrials.net, give it a go! Tim (34 years young)
  13. AT LAST!! Footage of the world cup, it seemed hard enough just to get homevideos in the past! Cancelled family arrangements meant i could have made it to this the nearest comp, doh! For anyone contemplating going to the worlds as a spectator then I recommend it (from my visit to Val-d'isere last year). Since observing Jack at the British champs last year I've maintained that he is in with a real chance at making it to number one, but lets not underestimate the size of the task, Coustellier was outstanding!! Massive respect for Kenny pushing on with such injury. Loving the biketrial at the moment!
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