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Everything posted by Ingram

  1. Joe, we discussed this, 19 and half :P" anyway yer was a great ride, (and good train jurney (Y) ) look forward to the next one.
  2. ah that ones easy to work out, it just changes all the cards to a different one, so matter what you pickl, you can pick the whole pack, non of them will be the same :P wow i feel clever :P
  3. Bad Boys# You know it makes sense :blink: not as much noise as a "proper kit" B)
  4. yes ill meet the old wippersnapper (Y) Skate park fun (Y)
  5. :"> im no lesbo, i have a penis. a esqusite (SP) one at that may i add :D
  6. I heard they do? is this true or not. Cheers. Jake
  7. lol! ill soon know if my afns die :) 5 case fans, hmmmmm the noise will be gone, oh and alot of alarms going off, surly can't you just turn off your computer? like wack the power button or turn it off at psu? does it nacker every fan in your computer or just case fans, i mean like graphics card one, cpu and psu?
  8. if your using middleburns make sure the lockring that holds the bashguard on is nice and tight, ive had this come loose and make it sound as thought the bottom bracket was creaking.
  10. the z1 freerides have a aluminuim steera tube, not good for jumping, you can get steel one put on but its pricy i think. other than that, as long as the frame will take it, i dunno how strong freeride forks are to say dirtjumpers.
  11. not alot people relise a good pair of single crown forks are strong than triple clamp, also as mathuds was saying it will raise your bike and make it ride like crap, itll feel horrible when you hit the take off of a jump, and it will be way uneven weighted.
  12. oh right wicked, where can i get one of those from? was it realy nesersery (SP) to do that?
  13. yer but i wanted a bash as a chainguide, plus i do ram into stuff and reck it lol :">
  14. Hi, Basically i want to know whats the biggest chainring i can have on my saint crank with a bash guard, im going to run two rings and a bashguard. ok forget the bash guard might not be big enough i can work around that but what isd the biggest chainring i can have on that'll fit, im not sure if one of the outer chainrings fit to a crank with a bashguard, can someone please help, Thanks. P.S Dont worry its for my freeride bike not my trials :)
  15. ive got pair of freerides kicking around spare (changed to jnr t's) erm i wouldn't put them on the sidekick, hang on ill check for the trailstar lt and ill let you know. EDIT: Ok, make sure on dmr site taht the frame your getting can handle taht amount of travel, alot of the dmr frames have a standard on then a lt (long travel) for example, trailstar and trailstar lt, make sure you get the right one for the fork you want.
  16. yer i passed my theory the other day, im on 6th lesson and did 3 point turns on my 5th, cheers for the help.
  17. to all those people who have passed driving, basically i wondered on average how many lessons it takes till you get put for your test, i know its different for different people but just after a clue. Cheers
  18. beware, too much travel, schnap :)" (and it'll ride crap, front end to high) i know a few people who have mangeled dmrs for that reason.
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