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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Oh yes! Favorite frame ever. I'm currently doing the same but with a 2007 Pure (Unused frame) would have loved the 2004 as a base but hopefully i cant get it looking almost as good as yours!
  2. I'd like to take both Pures off you're hands bud. Would you just want the £13 delivery for the two?

  3. Haven't got the frame but if you are going to be building one up, i've got a hawyes signed black and white tioga rim in the garage if you were interested. Must be from around 2001-2002
  4. Loved this. Having owned various echos for the last 10 years of so, really feels i owe a lot to him. Didn't realise he was such a good rider, very impressed! Massive loss for trials but his legacy will live on!
  5. Where in South Wales are you? Quite a few of us around Cardiff and Porthcawl
  6. First proper frame 2003 Brisa B26, still have it in the garage with about 4 cracks and smatterings of pink spray paint over the white?! Loved it!
  7. Looked like they plonked some BMX dudes on a trials bike. Some big moved but very sketchy, personally think the British 'street trials' scene is so far ahead in terms of style, skill and creativity!
  8. What board is that? Would like to see what has been said. I just watched his GetCreative video on youtube and it's much more impressive, i wonder why the riding was toned down so much for this?!
  9. Am i the only one a little underwhelmed by the riding in this? Was expecting a much higher level. The camera work and editing is ace but the riding was really lacking for me!
  10. Li there the best age. Carl still runs them on his! May need to do a TPA fix on the red knob so if the adjuster doesnt work let me know and can make you up a fix, and get them bled properly
  11. Dude were riding cardiff tonight if your round...porthcawl lads are coming
  12. Haha your not far wrong there...actually been riding a fair bit recently. Just very rarely come on here, message me your number flip and i'll give you a text next time were out, hopefully one evening next week.
  13. Yup as often as we can...riding this evening over cardiff bay if you see this!
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