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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Why do we not have a popcorn smiley?
  2. There really is an aura of 'homeless bum' about AWT isn't there... Adam feel free to take that as you want!!
  3. Exactly, hence why I was asking if it was too early. I'm sure there were plenty on sickipedia... I'd say it's probably safe to say it was inexperience in the car (or in an F1 car for that matter) which caused the accident- could've happened to any young driver though (although I'd hope Marussia rethink the orientation of their set up when testing like this in the future). From the initial reports it sounds like she's lucky to only have lost her eye- could've been much worse. Just had a look at her page on Wiki- how the hell did she manage to blag tests in F1 anyway? I can only assume it was because of her dad pulling strings and offering big bucks. Edit: That probably sounds more cutting than I meant- basically from her past it seems she wasn't anywhere near good enough to warrant an F1 drive, irrelevant of sex. Bottom line is she shouldn't have been there in the first place in which case none of this would've happened.
  4. Matt- having read through some of this (though not all as I got bored reading the same thing over and over and over and over), do you still maintain that any force acting on the axle is a point load at it's end? Of course for the purpose of maths it can be treated as such, but if you actually drew the loading or did FEA on the situation surely there would be a force distribution along the mounting surface which produces non linear loading and would indicate a likely failure point... Meh.
  5. Do you want some ketchup? (chip joke)
  6. Yes. I also think it would be prudent (and I may in fact send an email to HSE to get this enforced) to include on all metallic items sold that they really shouldn't be put in the microwave and that most components shouldn't be fed to pets or given to small children.
  7. And http://vimeo.com/36921354 Very nice vids, cool chilled feel to them.
  8. But be sure to take a copy of the original because rather than charging they may simply lose your V5 and claim ignorance...
  9. You might ride it but I sure as hell wouldn't buy it! 1.5" x 0.2" is a fair chunk of material missing. Get a frame that's not likely to nearly kill you in the relatively near future...
  10. Depends on the company but £25 admin fees for policy changes isn't unusual.
  11. I think you're mental for thinking he's mental.
  12. Sounds like a nasty testing accident for Maria de Villota at Duxford. Hope she's ok and I guess it's too soon for certain sex driver's abilities isn't it...
  13. And dome heads often have smaller hex so that M6's use a 4mm Allen key! But yeah, use a vice and hacksaw to trim the too long ones if they're in reasonable condition otherwise and file the cut end slightly to clean the thread up and remove burrs. If they're screwed ( ) buy new.
  14. Love the fact his dad was wearing his tartan troos in Switzerland, it's a shame Danny hasn't continued the trend through his riding!
  15. Am I the only one who didn't think the high rope thing was in the least bit risky? The dodgiest bit I imagine is setting up the abseil to set the thing up in the first place! Any kind of free climbing or tightrope/high rope without a harness and rope has risk associated with it but with the safety gear it's 99.9% safe surely? Would liked to have seen more of Guy Martin. Quite interesting though, with fairly obvious outcomes.
  16. Have you had a look to see if there are any overly large mould joins that could be causing poor sealing?
  17. I've been really happy with mine- bought new in 2006 done about 30k miles on it and this is the first problem I've had. What year have you gone for?
  18. Probly not I'd say. The markup on trials stuff really isn't that big, and certainly nowhere near double. It's not arse licking, it's showing a bit of sense, not being a complete f**king dick and generally defending and supporting one of the most successful trials retailers in the world who have done an absolute ton of good to help promote and support the trials world.
  19. It's different though because in a pub you're paying for a service with food being quite subjective. It's not a product you'd like to return but your opinion that the meal doesn't meet your expectations. This is kind of like complaining about a meal because your yorkshire pudding is dribbling gravy from it's base.
  20. Similar principal, but in the end pretty much irrelevant. Don't know about you but I'm yet to have a pub meal delivered by Royal Mail and I know for sure I've never asked a restaurant to warranty a pie. The water bottle is £4.60 but costs £3 to post. So ignoring the fact he probably got it along with other things, to return it will cost him £3 so that £4.60 water bottle has cost £10.60 to then return it for Tarty to 'warranty'. In order to do this Tarty would then most likely have to send the bottle back to Hope (who would most likely just laugh at them) which would cost Tarty £3 in postage and another ~£5 in time for whoever it is who has to deal with it. I hope you can see where this is going. If the bottle had been delivered with a hole in it or missing the lid or something then there would be a case to answer but a slightly drippy cheap as chips water bottle is life to be fair. If it were me I'd be breaking out the stanley knife and modifying the mating surfaces to get a better seal. And Dave33... Issues much?
  21. Out of interest (never been on a track day) how does that work? Do they have fuel pumps on site running standard sort of rates or what?
  22. So, at your house in New Road, Newhaven, do you keep your bike in a well locked garage or just a shed?...
  23. What about sprints/hillclimbs- relatively cheap compared to most motorsports and certainly looks like fun provided you're ok playing with yourself while only lasting 45 seconds...
  24. So long as it's running on a Hope hub it's all good.
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